Thursday, March 26, 2020
3:13 PM | Edit Post
This tutorial was written on March 26,2020.
Any resemblance to another
tutorial is purely coincidental.
I am using the tube 1-3 by Margaret Morales
Mask: 200 by Insatiable Dreams
Mask is unavailable right now.
Textures by blackyaisa
available here
Mura's Meister Copies
- Copies
- Tiling
Open up your tube/image of choice.
Open up your texture(s) of choice.
Open a new image 700x700.
On the Materials palette, set the Foreground
to the white color or one that compliments your tube.
Hide the background color for now.
Select your Ellipse Preset shape tool.
Set the width to 8.00
Draw out a good sized circle on your new image.
Once drawn out, go to Objects -Align
Center in Canvas. Convert this layer to raster.
Copy & paste your tube as new layer
underneath the circle layer. Arrange as wanted
inside the circle. Duplicate the tube once.
Hide the copy layer for now.
On the original tube layer, apply the plugin
Mura's Meister Copies: Wallpaper Rotate - default settings.
Copy & paste your texture of choice underneath the original
tube layer. Repeat with a 2nd texture above the original tube layer.
I did resize the one I used by 67%.
Select the circle layer. Using your Magic Wand tool,
click inside the circle. Selections - Modify -Expand by 2.
Selections - Invert.
Select each of the tube layers & press delete.
Repeat with texture layers as well.
Select none.
Duplicate the original tube layer that we wallpapered.
Move the original layer beneath your texture layer.
Back to the copy of the wallpapered tube,
Go to Adjust - Blur -Gauassian -set the radius to 5.00.
Effects - Art Media Effects -Brush Strokes
Softness 5
Brush Bristles 256
Width 3
Opacity 5
Length 5
Density 50
Angle 177
Color Black
Change the blend modes on both texture layers to Screen
On the Copy Wallpapered Layer - change to Overlay.
Do feel free to change these as needed depending on the
tube you are using & textures.
Apply a drop shadow of choice to the
circle frame & the non wallpapered top tube layer.
Right click on your tag image.
Copy merged.
Paste this above the bottom layer of the tag
as a new layer. Apply this plugin again
Mura's Meister Copies: Wallpaper Rotate - default settings.
Add a new raster layer underneath this layer.
Fill the layer with a color from your tag.
Back to the previous layer.
Apply the earlier Gaussian blur but change to 10.00
Apply the Brush Strokes again but change width to 10.00.
Change the blend mode to Soft Light.
Merge this layer down with the filled layer beneath it.
Apply Mask to this layer.
Merge Group.
On the Materials Palette, unhide the Background color.
I set mine to black but choose one that fits with your tag.
Select a font of choice. Make sure the Stroke Width is 0.
Type out a word of choice to fit your tag.
Convert to Raster.
Apply Mura's Meister Copies: Tiling.
Change the Tile Gap to 2.
Apply the effect.
Make sure this is under the main tube layer.
Now select the Rectangle Preset Shape tool.
Set Width to 0.
Switch your colors around on the Material Palette so white
is now the Background color.
Draw out a horizontal rectangle to go
across your tag.You want this layer just under the circle frame.
Convert to Raster.
Select the Magic Wand Tool again.
Click inside the circle frame.
Selections - Modify -Expand by 2
Then select invert.
Select the Tiled text layer & the Rectangle shape.
Press delete on each one.
Select none.
On the tiled text layer, drop the opacity to about 65.
Add a drop shadow of choice as well.
Apply a drop shadow to the rectangle layer as well.
Lower the opacity on this layer to 48.
Type out your word again & position it on the center of
the rectangle layer. Convert to raster. Add the drop shadow to the word.
Merge layers together.
Crop your tag to preferred size.
Add copyright information & name.
Save as png.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
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