Sunday, July 27, 2014
8:43 PM | Edit Post
This tutorial was written
by Sarah Fiack on
July 27,2014
Any resemblance to another
tutorial is purely coincidental.
For this tutorial, I’m using
a tube by Vicky Mycock
You can purchase this tube at MTA.
Plugins: Mura's Meister copies
DSB Flux bright noise
VM Texture Four Centers
Animation Shop
Open a new image 525x375.
Open up your tube or image
of choice.
If your tube is a different size,
feel free to adjust the image size
as needed.
Copy and paste your tube
as a new layer onto your
new image.
Duplicate the tube layer.
Click on the bottom original
tube layer.
Apply the plugin Mura's Meister
copies - Wallpaper rotate default
On the wallpaper layer, go to
adjust, blur - gauassian blur 15.00.
Apply the plugin VM Texture
Four Centers. Default settings.
For the moment, X out or hide
the tube copy layer.
Make sure the blur layer
is still selected.
Select your freehand selection tool.
On your tag, draw around several of
the shapes on the blur layer. Hold shift
down to make sure you keep them all
selected. I chose 6 on mine to draw around.
Once you have the ones selected you
want, right click, promote selection
to new layer. Select none.
On the new layer, apply the plugin
DSB Flux bright noise.
Mix selected & 15
Copy merged. Paste as new animation
into Animation Shop (AS).
Return to PSP, undo the bright noise.
Repeat and this time change the number to 20.
Copy merged and back to AS, paste after
Once you have the ones selected you
want, right click, promote selection
to new layer. Select none.
On the new layer, apply the plugin
DSB Flux bright noise.
Mix selected & 15
Copy merged. Paste as new animation
into Animation Shop (AS).
Return to PSP, undo the bright noise.
Repeat and this time change the number to 20.
Copy merged and back to AS, paste after
current frame. Return to psp again, undo
the noise & apply one last time with the number at 25.
Copy merged again & paste after the 2nd
Copy merged again & paste after the 2nd
frame in AS.
Ok let's go finish the tag as far as
PSP goes. Unhide the main tube layer.
Apply the drop shadow 2,2,25,5 black.
Add a new layer. Fill this layer with
a color from your tag. Select this layer
with your magic wand tool. Selections
modify - contract by 3.00. Press delete.
Select none. This should give you a border
on the tag. Add the earlier drop shadow
to the border as well.
Select your font tool. Choose a font of
choice. I used the color black. Type out
words of choice. I am using the words
"Elephant love" Convert text to raster.
Position on tag as wanted.
Change the blend mode on this one to
soft light.
Add artist copyright information &
name to your tag.
Hide the bottom blur noise layers.
Copy merged the other others.
Now into AS again.
Paste as a new animation.
Ctrl L to duplicate for a total of 3 frames.
On the animated layer, edit select all.
Now on the new 3 layers, select all & copy.
Drag this layer to the animation layer.
Once you have your tag together, view
Ok let's go finish the tag as far as
PSP goes. Unhide the main tube layer.
Apply the drop shadow 2,2,25,5 black.
Add a new layer. Fill this layer with
a color from your tag. Select this layer
with your magic wand tool. Selections
modify - contract by 3.00. Press delete.
Select none. This should give you a border
on the tag. Add the earlier drop shadow
to the border as well.
Select your font tool. Choose a font of
choice. I used the color black. Type out
words of choice. I am using the words
"Elephant love" Convert text to raster.
Position on tag as wanted.
Change the blend mode on this one to
soft light.
Add artist copyright information &
name to your tag.
Hide the bottom blur noise layers.
Copy merged the other others.
Now into AS again.
Paste as a new animation.
Ctrl L to duplicate for a total of 3 frames.
On the animated layer, edit select all.
Now on the new 3 layers, select all & copy.
Drag this layer to the animation layer.
Once you have your tag together, view
animation. If you are happy, then save as
a gif.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
a gif.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
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