CT timeline featuring the wonderful art
of Lix using her tube 47-3. I am also
showcasing the oh so lovely IB
Sybile Art January 2022
Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Life is the flower for which love is the honey. Victor Hugo
Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch,
but whose fragrance makes the garden a place
of delight just the same. Helen Keller
I played today in my psp using the beautiful
art of Andreea Cernestean with her tube 20-2.
I am also showcasing the wonderful scrap
Without You by Gimptastic Scraps.
I also have a set of snags below as well.
Your intellect may be confused, but your
emotions will never lie to you. Roger Ebert
Rational thoughts never drive people's creativity
the way emotions do. Neil deGrasse Tyson
CT timeline featuring the wonderful art
of Ted Hammond using his tube 115-2.
I am also showcasing the country themed
IB Beth Wilson January 2022 Scrap
This sweet pig has the best life
living on her farm. She's free to roam
the pastures and make friends with all
of the fellow animals. And occasionally,
the cowboys give her extra treats too.
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Verymany using the tube My Cat 6,
I am also showcasing the fabulous
scrap Snuggles and Love by Wicked Princess.
“No home is complete without the pitter patter of kitty feet.”
“Cats leave paw prints in your heart, forever and always.”
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Hannah Lynn using her January 2022
Bonus Tube. She is available to you
with a $10 purchase of her regular
tubes this month. I am also showcasing
the Ib Hannah Lynn January 2022
Scrap by Kizzed by Kelz.
Welcome to the newest reality show
featuring your favorite neighborhood
cat lady! For those who have ever
wondered what life is like
living with lots of felines.
How does she afford the food?
Does she even date & if so,
do the cats accept strangers?
Check out the drama soon
coming to a network near you!
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the art of
Margaret Morales using her January 2022
Bonus tube. Her version of Alice can be yours with a $10
purchase of her regular tubes this month. I am also
showcasing the oh so wonder filled IB
Margaret Morales January 2022 by Karmalized Scraps.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & available
to download here.
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'
I started this last night & it wasn't originally going
to include a photo of myself..but the muse thought it should.
My fairy was right. Yup the beautiful lady in this tag
is myself. It was taken last August on a trip to
Vegas for a boudoir session. I was channeling my
inner goddess with this particular outfit.
Society tries its hardest to tear us women down.
It tries to make us feel like we are never good enough no
matter what we do. We don't have to listen ladies.
We can determine how we feel about ourselves.
And I am choosing to love myself. That while
I am not perfect, I am perfectly me. Our bodies
& our minds do a lot for us. Shouldn't we control
the narrative we tell ourselves? The scrap kit I used
is by Cutie Pie Scraps & is called Self-Love
Its such a pretty scrap
& perfect for designing with a self love them.
CT tag featuring the pinup art of Michi Art
using her tube 22-3. I am also showcasing the
oh so lovely scrap Sweet Love by Ladyhawwk Designs.
There is also a Valentine's Day snag below.
“Love is the greatest refreshment in life.” – Pablo Picasso, Artist
“There are never enough I Love You’s.” – Lenny Bruce, Comedian
“Love is being stupid together.” – Paul Valery, Poet
CT timeline featuring the adorably whimsical
art of Queen Uriel using her tube Valentine's Cupid.
I am also showcasing the oh so lovely scrap
Cheeky Cupid by Curious Creative Dreams.
With her trusty bow & arrow, cupid decides
who shall fall in love with who.
Us humans are not always fond of cupid's choices however.
Love is much more complicated than simply being
hit by an arrow by the bringer of love. If only
it was that simple!! But there is a touch of romance
in the idea of cupid to help us find our true love.
CT tag featuring the beautifully gothic
art of Yuriko Shirou using her tube 21-1.
I am also showcasing the fantastic
IB Yuriko Shirou 21-1 Scrap by AORK.
Animation 2013 Animation Package
670 by Rebel Dezigns. Life has
left them tattered & torn. Yet they
find comfort in one another's presence.
By finding a kindred spirit, together
they will weather the storms life throws at them.
This tutorial was written on January 8, 2022
Any resemblance to another
tutorial is purely coincidental.
I am using the art of Beth Wilson
using her tube 6-3.
Mura's Meister Copies
Toadies Blast & Blur
Xero Porcelain
EyeCandy4000 -Water Drops
VM Natural -Splash!
Open a blank 700x300 new image.
Open tube of choice.
Add a new raster layer to your image.
Fill with a color of choice from your tube.
I used light blue from the cup.
Select your Ellipse shape tool.
On your Materials palette, hide the
Foreground/Stroke color.
Select a color of choice for the Background color.
Now back to your image & shape tool.
Draw out a small circle. Convert to raster.
Go to Effects - Mura's Meister Copies.
I used Tiling. Be sure to change the Tile Gap to 2.00.
Copy & paste your tube as a new layer above the
circles layer. Duplicate it once.
Hide the top tube layer for now.
Let's rename the layers - from top to bottom.
OG (original tube layer)
BG (fill layer)
This will help us keep layers straight as we design.
Make sure you have the OG layer selected in your layer palette.
Apply the plugin Mura's Meister Copies - Line.
Change the number to 4.
Duplicate this layer.
On the OG Copy layer,
Apply Toadies Blast & Blur default settings.
Apply VM Natural -Splash! with default settings.
Change the blend mode to Screen.
Select the OG layer.
Apply the plugin Xero Porcelain.
Apply EyeCandy4000 -Water Drops.
Change the liquid color to white or one that compliments your tag.
Click Ok. Lower the opacity on this layer to 46.
Select your Tube2 layer.
On your Materials palette, make your Background color is the same
color as your BG layer. Keep your Foreground color hidden for now.
Select your Rectangle shape tool.
Draw out a horizontal rectangle to go across your tag.
Once happy with it, convert to raster. Position it behind
or underneath the Tube2 layer.
Move the Dots layer to above the Blue Rectangle layer.
Position one row of the dots in the center of the rectangle.
Click inside the rectangle with your Magic Wand tool.
Selections - Invert & select the Dots layer. Press delete.
Select none.
Make sure to add drop shadows to all the layers.
Select your top layer in the layer palette. Add a new raster layer.
Fill with color of choice from your tube.
Select your magic wand.
Click on the layer. Selections - modify - contract by 4.
Press delete button on your keyboard.
Select none.
Drop shadow your border layer.
Select your font tool. Choose a font to compliment your tag.
Type out two words of choice. For my tag, i used the words Coffee Time.
I used the size 28 for my words & dragged out just slightly.
Convert to raster. Add a drop shadow of choice.
I positioned the words on the right side of the tag
above rectangle banner.
Add copyright info & name to tag.
Save as png. Thanks for trying my tutorial.
CT timeline featuring the fabulous art of
Anna Marine using her tube 16-1. I am
also showcasing the beautifully gothic
IB Anna Marine 16-1 Scrap
by Kizzed by Kelz. Even in the darkness,
beauty can be found by those who are seeking it.
It takes a special kind of heart to find beauty
in the darkness. Yet, its that very thing that
can soothe the pain within the deepest
parts of your soul at times.
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the adorably
whimsical art of Sybile Art using
her tube 42-1. I am also showcasing the
wonderful scrap Frozen Heart by Karmalized Scraps.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & available
here to download.
The right love from the right person
can make someone believe in love once again.
Life may of turned their heart cold at one point.
But love is funny. It never truly gives up on
someone. Love just waits patiently for
the right soul to come around to thaw the heart.
I was playing around last night in PSP
& this fell out of it.
Art by Alena Lazareva using her tube 7-3.
Scrap is Sunflower Summer
by Doodle by Design.
Wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available here for download.
Sunflowers are so beautiful & such
a symbol of summer. I remember my grandpa
growing them. They always grew so tall in our
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