So I'm having a lot of insecurity right now.
And I am aware of this...but not sure how to
deal with it. Especially in the area of friendships.
I don't have many close friendship and treasure
the ones that I do. Its easier for me to make online
friends than in person friends. Not sure why but it is.
I always fear that people really don't like me
or I expect them to basically disappear from my life.
Both have happened repeatedly - esp the latter.
I question things - actions & things said. Being an
overthinker doesn't help at all with that.
It's not that I'm waiting for something to happen,
but when certain things do, well it makes me insecure
in the friendship. I've been feeling very insecurity for awhile now.
& I know its a me issue. Just don't know how to work
through it & get rid of it.
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Anna Marine using her tube 55-3.
I am also showcasing the oh so lovely
IB Anna Marine 55-3 Scrap by
Walking outdoors during autumn
can often mean windy times.
Leaves are falling and the air is crisp.
Take a jacket or a scarf with you to stay warm.
New wallpaper by me today.
I am featuring the art of
Enys Guerrero using her beautifully
dark tube 48-1. The wallpaper is
1920x1080 & available here to download.
It is in the darkness that our scars are most
visible. For it is there that we
show our vulnerability and what really hurts us.
Are you brave enough to stand with us &
to help us heal our scars?
CT timeline featuring the whimsical art of
Cuddly Rigor Mortis using her tube 117-1.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
IB Maryline Cazenave October 2019
Autumn & Halloween are just around the
corner. Soon the leaves shall turn &
pumpkins shall abound.
CT tag featuring the adorable art of
Sheena Pike using her August 2021 bonus.
The tiger can be yours this month with a
$10 purchase of her regular tubes.
I am also showcasing the oh so wonderful
Sheena Pike August 2021 IB by Kizzed by Kelz.
This tiger cub is still perfecting his rawr.
It's not quite as mighty yet as dad's but
it will get there. Right now, he is trying
to scare the flowers that he is there.
I'm sure they know as they try not to
get trampled by him.
Today I did a tag & matching wallpaper featuring
my absolutely wonderful commission by Queen Uriel.
This beauty of a tube is available in her store.
I wanted a fairy that represents Mental Illness
& depression battle. So many in the world
fight battles with them everyday. I asked for a
semi-colon as it is associated with the battle.
It represents a reminder to pause - that our
lives matter and to keep going.
Doodle by Design did a wonderful kit to
match her too. The wallpaper is 1920x1080
& available to download here.
I did a few snags tonight featuring the
Melissa Dawn & Whisprd Dreamz bundle 28.
I used the adorable tube 28-3 in the bundle.
I'm proudly owned by a calico cat myself
& just had to let this sweet kitty out to play.
CT tag featuring the gorgeous & mystical
art of Rebecca Sinz using her
4 of Pentacles tube. I am also
showing the magical scrap
Blessed by AORK.
"Magic, indeed, is all around us, in stones, flowers, stars, the dawn wind and the sunset cloud; all we need is the ability to see and understand."
‒ Doreen Valiente, ‘Natural Magic’.
"The feminine is more powerful than the masculine, the soft is more powerful than the hard, the water is more powerful than the rock." ‒ Rajneesh.
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