Wednesday, July 31, 2019
2:27 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the wonderful art
of Anna Liwanag using her tube 88-1.
I am also showcasing the lovely
Back 2 School scrap by Karmalized Scraps.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080
& available here for download.
As the school year nears starting again,
teachers are readying their classrooms
for their incoming students.
A new year brings a chance to
educate and open their minds.
To help them discover a new love
of a subject or book.
Labels:CDO,Karmalized,Kids,School,Wallpaper | 0
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
7:44 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Jennifer Janesko using her tube 173-1.
I am also showcasing the wonderful scrap
Unconditional by Karmalized Scraps.
Love does not have conditions or
rules regulating when it can occur.
Love decides when it will be felt
& for whom.
Labels:Girly,Karmalized,Love | 1 comments
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
10:46 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the adorably
cute art of Cuddly Rigor Mortis. I am featuring
her July 2019 Bonus tube which is available
this month with a $10 purchase of her regular tubes.
I am also showcasing the lovely IB
Cuddly Rigor Mortis July 2019 Scrap by
Gimptastic Scraps. The wallpaper is
1920x1080 & is available here for download.
Step outdoors & water your own garden.
What would you choose to grow in yours?
Succulents, plants, flowers or vegetables?
Find your own green thumb & smiles will
appear on your face.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Gimptastic,Nature,Wallpaper | 0
Sunday, July 14, 2019
8:07 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Rebecca Sinz using her tube Grey
Sunset Moth. I am also showcasing the
wonderful scrap First Your
Love by Chaos Priestess.
Love with your whole self during
the entire year. Love isn't seasonal
nor is it reserved for only a day.
Show your love to your special
someone every day, every month.
Labels:Chaos Priestess,Love,Rebecca Sinz | 0
Thursday, July 11, 2019
3:47 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the magical art of
Joanne Schempp, a retired artist.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
scrap Dreaming Of The Beach
Do you dream of visiting the beach
during the summer & digging your
toes in the wet sand? Just let the waves
wash off the sand as you play in the water.
Labels:CDO,Karmalized,Ocean,Summer | 1 comments
9:54 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
PinUp Toons using his tube 146-3.
I am also showcasing the fun -filled
scrap Beach Girl by Kizzed by Kelz.
Enjoy a fun day at the beach!
Floating around on a raft or
collecting shells to remember
the day later.
Labels:CDO,Kizzed by Kelz,Ocean | 0
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
10:57 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the stunning
art of Margaret Morales. I am using her
July 2019 bonus tube. She is available
with a $10 purchase of her regular tubes.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
Margaret Morales July 2019 IB
Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080
& available here for download.
She has painted herself with the
colors of nature's florals. Her
fellow butterflies are ready to
help her fly amongst them.
If you are quiet, you may catch
a glimpse of her fluttering from
petal to petal.
Labels:CDO,Fantasy,Ladyhawwk,Wallpaper | 0
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
11:17 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of Barbara Jensen
using her tube Snap To 89-3. I am also showcasing
the wonderful scrap Vintage Girl by
Irish Princess Designs. Touches of
vintage beauty meet the modern romance
of today. She creates a beauty & look
all of her unique to her. She isn't
one to be easily forgotten this way.
Labels:Girly,Irish Princess Designs,Jensen,Sexy,Vintage,Women | 0
Monday, July 8, 2019
6:47 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the adorable art of
Maryline Cazenave using her tube 73-1.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
IB Scrap Maryline Cazenave 73-1
This sweet kitty is ready for
a nap after a long day of helping
mom with the yarn. It's a big job
monitoring the yarn rolls & ribbon.
You have to swat them to make sure
they don't roll away.
Labels:Animals,CDO,CSBC,Cute | 0
Thursday, July 4, 2019
9:29 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fabulous art of
Elias Chatzoudis using his tube 166-2.
I am also showcasing the fun-filled
scrap Street Art by Karmalized Scraps.
In big cities, you will find urban or street art.
While some may find it trashy or criminal,
to some, you can find talent & stories
in the graffiti images. Take time to
appreciate what the street artists
are trying to tell you.
Labels:Attitude,CDO,Karmalized,Life | 0
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
9:05 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the fantastic art of
Cuddly Rigor Mortis using her tube 73-2.
I am also showcasing the wonderful IB
Cuddly Rigor Mortis 73-2 Scrap by
Kizzed by Kelz. The wallpaper is
1920x1080 & is available here.
Take a moment to pause & connect
with your inner sloth. Look around
the world & appreciate its beauty.
1920x1080 & is available here.
Take a moment to pause & connect
with your inner sloth. Look around
the world & appreciate its beauty.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Kizzed by Kelz,Life,Wallpaper | 0
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