Tuesday, September 30, 2014
10:08 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the beatutiful PTU scrap autumn View. It is available for purchase in her store.
I love the colors of this scrap. It is jam packed with lots of autumn themed elements.
There is also a PTU timeline set which will
be available soon at her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Fall,Timeline | 0
Monday, September 29, 2014
7:15 PM | Edit Post
I'm now doing PTU timeline sets for Amy Marie. You can find them in her store. Check them out
here. The sets are available in png & merged layers in case you want to add a tube.
Labels:Amy Marie,BCA,Fall,Timelines | 0
Sunday, September 28, 2014
9:43 AM | Edit Post
Ct tags featuring Robin McQuay's PTU art V Is For Vampire & I Wish I Was The Moon tubes available at Digital Chaos. I am also using the spooky gothic PTU scrap Bootiful Night by Honored Scraps, which you can purchase at Treasured Scraps. I love how each one has a gothic feel to them & when combined, you can really embrace the darkness.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
1:42 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring beautiful PTU Autumn Roses scrap by Amy Marie. You can find this scrap available at her store.I love the colors and it is loaded with lots of elements. This scrap has a mix of autumn, whimsical & girly type elements.
Labels:Amy Marie,Fairy,Fall,Girly | 0
9:33 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous PTU art of Michael Calandra. I am using the tube with the equally stunning PTU IB Scrap Michael Calandra 31-1 by Hungry Hill. You can purchase both at CDO.
I love how each one has a fantasy & gothic feel to them at the same time. The scrap
matches the tube just perfectly and really helps showcase the beauty of the art.
matches the tube just perfectly and really helps showcase the beauty of the art.
Labels:CDO,Fairy,Gothic,Hungry Hill | 0
Friday, September 26, 2014
6:06 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the beautiful PTU megakit Harvest Blessing by Amy Marie. You can find this wonderful autumn themed scrap available at her store. It is loaded with lots of great elements.
Labels:Amy Marie,Fall | 0
11:37 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful PTU IB Scrap Suzanne Richards 2-2 by Foxys Designz. I love the look and feel of the tube & kit.They are perfect for nature and flower lovers. You can find both the tube by Suzanne Richards and the scrap available for purchase at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Fairy,Foxy's Designz,Nature | 0
Thursday, September 25, 2014
4:59 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the darkly wonderful PTU scrap Haunted Hill by Hungry Hill. This scrap will be released tomorrow at CDO as part of the Scrap Friday promotion. I absolutely love the haunted, spooky feel this scrap has. It is perfect for your spellcasting tags.
Labels:CDO,Halloween,Hungry Hill,Pagan | 0
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
12:56 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the new PTU Molly Harrison Scrap Tube Bundles available at CDO.
The scraps in the bundles are by Honored Scraps. I love the whimsical feel of the tubes
and scrapkits. The bundles I used are 99 & 100.
Labels:CDO,Fairy,Fantasy,Halloween,Honored Scraps | 0
8:25 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Pumpkin Patch Critters by Amy Marie. This is an adorable fall themed scrap. You really feel like you are at the pumpkin patch with this scrap. My family loves the local patch & we go every year to pick our pumpkins. You can purchase this scrap
at her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Animals,Fall | 0
Monday, September 22, 2014
7:19 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Honey Bearlicious by Kisisng Kate. This scrap is great for sunflower tags and also bee theme tags. It really is a great kit loaded with lots of elements which will work with both themes. You can find this scrap available for purchase at S&Co.
Labels:Guest CT,Kissing Kate,Nature | 0
2:18 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the magickal art of Molly Harrison. I am also using the equally captivating PTU IB scrap Molly Harrison September 2014 Bonus Tube by Babycakes. You can find both available at CDO. The tube I used is the current bonus tube available this month with a $10 purchase of her tubes. I love how magickal the tube and scrap are on their own, and esp when together.
Labels:BCS,CDO,Fantasy,Halloween | 0
Sunday, September 21, 2014
10:53 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the older PTU scrap Mamas & Daughters by Amy Marie. this is a very girly and very feminine and gentle kit. You can purchase the scrap in her store. I have paired it with a beauitful PTU tube called Nova by Norella, which you can purchase here.
Labels:Amy Marie,Girly,Norella | 1 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2014
9:30 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the adorable PTU scrap Sweet Autumn Breeze by Wicked Princess Scraps. I love the cuteness and wonderful fall feel of this scrap. You can find this scrap at TPP.
Labels:Fall,Guest CT,Wicked Princess | 0
12:29 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful PTU art of Enamorte. I am also using the awesome PTU IB Scrap Enamorte 35-3 by Rebel Dezigns. You can find both available for purchase at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Fairy,Nature,Rebel Designz | 0
9:43 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the beautiful PTU Royalty scrap by AmyMarie. This scrap is elegant and beautiful. It is packed with wonderful elements and deep, rich jewel colors. You can purchase this scrap at her
Labels:Amy Marie,Girly,Love,Selina Fenech,Vintage | 0
Friday, September 19, 2014
10:17 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the beautiful PTU scrap Hiding Autumn by Rebel Dezigns. This is a wonderful fall themed scrap. I love the colors and the elements just put you in a magical fall frame of mind. You can purchase this scrap at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Fall,Rebel Designz,Vintage | 0
10:12 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the brand new PTU scraps Ghoulie Ghoul & Hallowed Tones by Hungry Hill. I absolutely love these scraps! Ghoulie Ghoul is gothic with a touch of the dark girly aspect to it. Hallowed Tones embraces Halloween and a more haunted feel to it. It also has a slight touch of vintage to it. You can purchase both kits at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Gothic,Halloween,Hungry Hill,Vintage | 0
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