Sunday, August 31, 2014
2:20 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the PTU scrap Happy Halloween by Amy Marie. This scrap is a cute & fun Halloween themed scrapkit. You can find it available for purchase in her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Halloween | 0
11:22 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the PTU Eerie Nights scrap by Amy Marie, I love the different spin this scrap has for Halloween. You can find this scrap available for purchase in her store
Labels:Amy Marie,Halloween | 0
Friday, August 29, 2014
10:10 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuriing the art of Jonathon Earl Bowser, photo by Dan Richards &
the beautiful scrap Blaze by Hungry Hill. All three are PTU & can be purchased at CDO. I love the scrapkit and how it embraces the bold firey colors of Autumn. The scrapkit is being released today as part of the Scrap Friday release.
the beautiful scrap Blaze by Hungry Hill. All three are PTU & can be purchased at CDO. I love the scrapkit and how it embraces the bold firey colors of Autumn. The scrapkit is being released today as part of the Scrap Friday release.
Labels:CDO,Fall,Hungry Hill | 0
Thursday, August 28, 2014
10:33 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the adorable PTU art of Caron Vinson . I am also using the PTU IB Scrap Caron Vinson 71-1 by Tasha's Playground. You can find the tubes & scrap all available for purchase at CDO. I love how well the scrap fits with the tubes., together they really make you feel like you are back in the caveman dinosaur age.
Labels:CDO,Nature,Tasha's Playground | 0
7:45 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the PTU scrap Elisa by Wicked Princess. I love this kit! You can find it and many others here.I also used the wonderful art of Robin McQuay, which you can find at Digital Chaos.
Labels:cupcake,Cupcakes,Digital Chaos,Emo,Wicked Princess | 0
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
3:36 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the PTU Beautiful Autumn scrap by Amy Marie. I love this wonderful autumn themed scrap. It is wonderful! You can purchase the scrap at her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Fall | 0
Monday, August 25, 2014
12:43 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the PTU Autumn Romance scrap by Amy Marie. This is a very pretty scrap available in her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Fall | 0
8:46 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the PTU art of Molly Harrison; along with the PTU IB Scrap Molly Harrison 83-1 by Foxy's Designz. Both the tube & scrapkit are just beautiful and they pair so wonderfully together. You can find both of them available at CDO for purchasing.
Labels:CDO,Dreams,Fairy,Foxy's Designz,Moon | 0
Sunday, August 24, 2014
7:22 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring PTU tube Queen Monica by Tezza's Designz Tube Art. You can purchase this adorable fairy tube at Mystical Scraps. I love autumn & monarch butterflies, and this tube is perfect for both.
Labels:Fairy,Fall,Mystical Scraps | 0
1:41 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the PTU Halloween scrap by Amy Marie. This is a very cute and fun scrap to celebrate Halloween with. I love the colors esp. You can find it available in her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Halloween | 0
11:02 AM | Edit Post
I was given this award by my friend Holly/Freek. Thanks so much hon for choosing mine for the award! I am giving the award to:
Labels:award | 0
Saturday, August 23, 2014
3:51 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Falling Leaves by Abstract Creations. I am also using the beautiful PTU art of Amy Brown.You can find both violable for purchase at CDO. I love how well this scrap captures the feel of fall & autumn.
Labels:Abstract,CDO,Fairy,Fall | 0
1:57 PM | Edit Post
I CT'd the Tube Scrap bundle package 158 of Jasmine Becket-Griffith.I am also using the matching scrap by Honored Scraps.You can purchase the bundle at CDO. I love the tubes and how well the scrap compliments them.
Labels:CDO,Gothic,Honored Scraps | 0
Friday, August 22, 2014
8:38 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring
PTU art by Anna Marine
PTU IB Scrap Anna Marine 52-1 by Rebel Dezigns
PTU Animation from Pack 103 by Rebel Dezigns.
All can be purchased at CDO
I love the fantasy meets gothic of the tube & scrapkit.
The animation helps enhance as any animation should.
Labels:Animation,CDO,Fantasy,Gothic,Rebel Designz | 0
12:40 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic PTU art of Erin Ewer. I am using her tube called TheCrow2, which you can find at MTA. I love the fantasy with a touch of gothic that this tube has. I am also using the PTU
scrap Autumn Ponies by Amy Marie, which you can find at her store
Labels:Amy Marie,Animals,Fall,MTA | 0
11:06 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the Gorgeous August Bonus tube by Steve Baier. I am also using the PTU IB Steve Baier August 2014 Bonus scrap by Foxy's Designz. Both are available at CDO. The Bonus tube can be gotten by spending $10 on his tubes this month.I love how well the scrap
compliments the tube & gives a romance feel to it.
Labels:CDO,Foxy's Designz,Love,Valentine's Day | 0
8:02 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the wonderfuly dark PTU scrap Witch Teresa by Amy Marie. This scrap is perfect for all your dark & gothic Halloween tags. You can purchase the scrap at her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Halloween | 0
Thursday, August 21, 2014
6:26 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the PTU art of Anna Marine. I am also using the PTU IB Scrap Anna Marine 51-1 by Babycakes. The tube & scrap are both magical & gothic at the same time. You can find both at CDO for purchase.
Labels:BCS,CDO,Fairy,Gothic | 0
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
1:34 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the elegant & beautiful PTU art of Maxine Gadd. I am also using the PTUi B scrapkit Maxine Gadd 32-1 by Babycakes. You can purchase both at CDO. I love how each of them embrace & celebrate the elegance of autumn.
Labels:BCS,CDO,Fall | 0
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
8:41 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the magical PTU art of Natasha Wescoat. I am using the tube called The Wishing Apple. You can purchase this tube & others by her at MTA.This tube really captures
the magic that fairytales hold when we are children.
Labels:Fantasy,MTA | 0
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