I made these buttons today using the
Cuddly Rigor Mortis & Karmalized Scraps
Bundle 157. I had the idea when I saw the
hearts & wording to do some mental health
inspired Mantra Buttons. A lot of us are
struggling with our mental health & I
thought the community could use these.
For reminders when we have our bad days.
Life can be very dark at times but with help
& support, we can find our way to the light again.
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Enamorte using her tube 95-3.
I am also showcasing the ocean
themed IB Enamorte 95-3
Scrap by Wicked Princess Scraps.
Always be yourself. Unless you can be a mermaid.
Then always be a mermaid. - Anonymous
Mermaid, a water woman who chooses imagination over fear.
- Anonymous
Today was rough at work.
It started off okay but then it
just went bad. I won't get into details.
Just that I had been having a good spell.
Had my depression demon quiet too.
Was really enjoying this period of like
something resembling happy.
But after today, it seems to be awake
or some form of consciousness again.
I can feel its tentacles reaching out to me
and invading my thoughts & emotions.
That old familiar friend has returned.
Except, its not a friend that I want to visit again.
But it won't leave. No, it just lies in wait
until you are vulnerable & pounces again.
The scar that won't fully heal as it gets
reopened again & again.
I had a brief cry today in a bathroom.
But I needed more - work summoned though.
Tomorrow is my Friday thankfully.
I'm really hoping its a better day.
CT timeline featuring the wonderful art of
Anna Marine using her May 2021 bonus.
This beauty can be yours this month with
a $10 purchase of her regular tubes.
I am also showcasing the oh so lovely
IB Anna Marine May 2021
Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Life knocks us down sometimes.
But we can't stay down. No, we stand back
up & let life know we are tough.
That we are built to keep going
& are tougher than life.
Even if sometimes, we need the
reminder to remember that.
CT timeline featuring the whimsical art of
Cuddly Rigor Mortis using her tube 95-3.
I am also showcasing the delicious scrap
Italish by Karmalized Scraps.
Indulge yourself in the oh so yummy
Italian cuisine. Pasta is oh so comforting
and delicious. Be sure to have the last meatball to!
He's trying to hide on your plate in the sauce & pasta.
CT timeline featuring the fantastic art
of Ted Hammond using his tube 38-3.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
scrap Pinup Beach by Kizzed by Kelz.
Who says sailors can't be sexy & enjoy summer?
Not her. She loves to lay in the sun in her
off hours. The ships just do not have the
same appeal as the beach. A girl needs
to work on her tan after all.
Warm rays & cool water to splash in.
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Amber using her Althea tube.
I am also showcasing the oh so gorgeous
Bordeaux Beauty scrap by Wicked Princess.
There is in true beauty, as in courage, something which narrow
souls cannot dare to admire. William Congreve
She was as beautiful as the devil, and twice as dangerous. Dashiell Hammett
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