So I'm not happy with my therapist.
She's really nice, friendly & easy to talk too..
but I feel like she isn't getting what I'm trying
to say and therefor I'm not dealing with my depression
like maybe I need too. I thought I would look
into one of the online therapy services that
are abundant right now. But realized that isn't
for me. I can't pay & wait to be reimbursed
$$$. I simply don't have that kind of money.
So I'm at a crossroads of what to do.
Getting help is so hard with our healthcare system.
Its very discouraging esp when it comes to mental health.
I don't know where to go from here. I feel like
I'm getting worse but can't help it.
I don't know how to shut the demons up.
New wallpaper by me featuring the beautiful
& magical art of Selina Fenech. I am using
her fairy goblin tube 24-3. I am also
showcasing the stunning scrap
Defining Moment by Ilonka's Design.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available to download. Everyone has
moments that help define & shape their lives.
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Michael Landefeld using his tube 24-1.
I am also showcasing the
scrap Melody by AORK &
Rebel Dezigns Animation from pack 200.
She sings with her heart & her soul.
Her words create melodies as they escape
from her lips The lyrics & melodies will
reach into your very soul to touch you.
Let the tunes take you away.
The forest is silent. All of a sudden
a tree branch rustles. Could it be
a bear coming to attack helpless
baby mountain lion? Or is it a
racoon out hunting in the midnight air?
There, in the bush, a pair of eyes, glowing
yellow. Are they looking at me, or have
they spied something in the grass?
A movement on the ground
near my feet. The movement is long
and slender. I shall not move, for fear
it is a snake, out hunting for a
midnight snack.
I hear splash in the stream, so I
move towards it, silently. It is a deer
& her fawn. They are walking home.
Over there, on the other side of the stream,
a wolf watches them hungerly. The deer and
her fawn reach home, safely.
There, waiting for them, is a buck.
Written © Sarah Fiack
Go to hell!
I don't care.
Cuss me out.
Hurt me.
I won't fight.
Tease me.
Ignore me.
It doesn't matter.
Abandon me.
Stay with me.
I won't notice.
Written © Sarah Fiack
Note: This is an old poem written by me years ago.
Mental illness is not a joke & should be treated as
the actual illness it is. People suffering from it
deserve respect & understanding.
Dramatic; daring to be different.
Romantic and yet realistic.
Accepting of differentness.
Generous and willing to listen.
Open mind to new ideas.
Never prejudiced, sees no color or difference.
Forever free, on stage and in life.
Loving and still learning.
Young, always bringing smiles.
Written © Sarah Fiack
May 1997
Knife against my skin
the feel of being sliced.
All the pain and fear in my life
disappears if only for a few seconds.
I shall not succeed on this try.
I'll live for another day of torture.
There is always the next time.
I'll always remember the feel
of a knife against me.
Written © Sarah Fiack
October 1996
Talked we have;
of many things
and issues which
tore us apart inside.
Left am I
with a feeling
of awkwardness and
unsure of where
to go from here.
Are my feelings healed?
I cannot say for sure.
Nor am I positive
of what I feel.
Written © Sarah Fiack
December 1997
Left am I
to wander aimlessly
a mind of
utter confusion and chaos.
One decision-
many voices with
different thoughts.
A mind of confusion:
of chaos.
Which voice is mine?
Wandering from
thought to thought:
Grasping onto what
faith is left...
slowly losing faith.
Hold onto faith
my child...hold on.
Order exists
amidst chaos.
Through these eyes
is a soul
wandering amidst its own
self -doubt
questioning everything.
Written © Sarah Fiack
April 1998
Very caring
Always a friend
Master over mind
Priviliged Person
Interesting to outsiders
Ready to listen
Written October 1996
© Sarah Fiack
Written January 1997
© Sarah Fiack
I found my old poetry from years ago.
Thought I would share some on here.
Written January 1997
© Sarah Fiack
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