CT tag & wallpaper featuring the fantastic art
of Andreea Cernestean. I am using her May
2016 Bonus tube which is available for purchase.
I am also showcasing the oh so gothic
scrap Grim by Karmalized Scraps.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available to download here.
Everyone has scars but only some
people can take their scars &
embrace them. Scars do not have to
define you but nor do you need
to pretend they don't exist. Let your
scars give you strength & make you
a survivor of life.
Just playing around tonight a bit.
I did this tag & decided to turn it into
a phone wallpaper. Art is by Zindy
& I used her No More tube.
Phone wallpaper measures 768x1280.
You can download it here.
Its been a rough few days for me.
My depression hit a new low this week for me.
We went out today. I just wanted to stay home
but I went anyways. My cave is my safe place.
It felt overwhelming at times..
being around that many people . I'm suppose to
return to work this coming week & that seems
daunting. I don't know how I will handle it
after what happened this past week.
I hate that at times I don't feel like me-
like I can't control my thoughts & feelings.
I become overwhelmed with sadness at times.
Then, other times I see glimpses of myself
- but she doesn't fully stay. No, the demons
of my depression hide her away from me.
I feel broken inside & am unsure how
to fix my pieces. What is the new arrangement
of my pieces in this puzzle? Will my demons
scream like the did? I need to silence them -
to return them to their cage & bury it.
But I feel like I lack the strength within.
It's been sucked away...
CT tag featuring the beautiful art of Abranda Icle Flaminio
using her tube 11-1. I am also showcasing the wonderful
scrap Fibro Awareness by Karmalized Scraps.
Fibro is an awful, evil monster of pain. Two
dear friends of mine suffer from it.
You can find out more information
about it here.
Fibro is very real & those who have it
experience hell with their bodies.
CT timeline featuring the wonderful art of
Anna Marine using her tube 78-1. I am
also showcasing the gothic filled IB
Anna Marine 78-1 Scrap by AORK.
Not everyone likes happy, cheery & bright
birthdays. Some would rather their parties
have a darker tone - much like their clothing.
Or, if possible, to skip the day entirely.
She really didn't want the reminder that she
has turned another year older.
I think everyone can relate to that at some point.
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
PinUp Toons using his tube 164-2. I am also
showcasing the oh so pretty IB Sheena Pike
March 2021 Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Note: The wordart is not part of the scrapkit.
If you carry joy in your heart, you can
heal any moment. Carlos Santana
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of Elias Chatzoudis
using his retired bonus tube from June 2018.
I am also showcasing the creepy scrap
Evil Fairy Spells by Kizzed by Kelz.
Do not cross fairies and their friends.
You could end up with a spell put upon you.
& fairy magic is not to be dismissed or
taken lightly. For their magic is extremely powerful.
Play nice with the fairies you've been warned.
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