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Saturday, May 5, 2012


This tutorial was written
by Sarah Fiack on
May 5th, 2012
Any resemblance to another
tutorial is purely coincidental.
For this tutorial, I’m using
3 tubes by Keith Garvey.
You can purchase the tubes at
his store.

Tube of choice.
Scrap of choice.
I’m using one by TK Dezigns
Called Tech Savvy.
It is part of a collab called Tech Savvy.
It is available at PMTwS
Monti Blinds Mask

Plugins: EyeCandy4000 Gradient Glow

Opena 600x600 new image.
Open up your 3 tubes & scrap supplies.

Open a circle frame.
Copy & paste as a new layer.
Click inside the frame with your
magic wand.
Selections modify expand by 8.

Paste a scrap paper of choice as
a new layer.
Selections invert & press delete.
Select none.
Move the paper layer under the frame layer.

Open a ribbon element.
Paste between the two layers.
Resize 85% twice.

Open a computer monitor element.
Resize 80%.
Paste as a new layer.

Open jewel bead element.
Resize 25%.
Paste twice along the top of the monitor
& along the bottom of the element.
This is just to decorate the monitor some.

Click inside the monitor.
Selections expand by 8.
Add a new raster layer.
Fill this layer with a color of choice.
I did grey to make it look like my psp.
Move this layer under the monitor layer.

Open up two of your tubes.
Resize 60% each or as wanted.
Paste them inside the monitor.
Merge the two tube layers together.
Selections invert & press delete.
Select none.

Open a mouse element.
Resize 50% & 80% once each.
Rotate free rotate right 45.
Paste along the right side & slightly
in front of the monitor.

Open two wordarts from the scrap.
Paste one on top of the monitor.
On the 2nd wordart, resize 70%.
Paste along the bottom part of the monitor.

Apply a gradient glow to both wordart layers.
EyeCandy 4000 Gradient glow Fat
Glow width 3.00

Open your main tube.
I mirrored once but this is entirely optional.
Paste along one side of your tag.

Paste a papr of choice on the bottom layer
of the tag.
Apply Monti Blinds Mask.
Make sure invert is checked.
Merge group.
Resize this layer 115%

Merge layers visible.
Resize 88%.
Add artist copyright info & name.
Save as png.
Thanks for trying my tutorials.

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I do not allow resizing of my tags, timelines or wallpapers. All of my creations are for PU only unless otherwise stated. Nor are they to be altered in any way either.


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