CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Enys Guerrero using her tube 25-2.
I am also showcasing the beautiful
Ib Enys Guerrero 25-2 Scrap
by Kizzed by Kelz.
With her needle & thread, she
sews autumn together leaf by leaf.
As the leaves fall from the trees,
she creates magic with them.
Their beautiful faded colors
illustrate the world every year.
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Ted Hammond using his tube 80-1.
I am also showcasing the fantastic
gothic scrap Gothic Princess by
The women who are unapologetically themselves,
who do not fit into the molds of society -
these are the women we should befriend.
For they have lessons we can learn.
Be original. Be you.
Don't pretend to
be someone/thing that is not authentically you.
In addition to being a fantastic
artist & designer, Rene Kunert
writes amazing Photoshop tutorials.
A few examples of her tutorials
are below. And she is a magician
with animation. Her tutorials will teach
you how to design & animate all within Photoshop.
For those within the tagging community who
do use PSP, happy playing!!
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Jenny using her tube Rosemary.
I am also showcasing the magick
filled scrap Rosemary by Kizzed by Kelz.
“Witches listen to the secrets of the Earth,
work in harmony with the powers of the
moon and understand the longings of the human soul.”
“Magick happens when you step into who you truly are
and embrace that which fulfills your soul.”― Dacha Avelin
CT tag featuring the stunning art of
Goldwasser. This beautiful tube is included
in the oh so gothic scrap AngelWitch
“This witch had been crafted from the darkness between the stars.”
― Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows
CT timeline featuring the fantastic art
of Enys Guerrero using her October
2021 Bonus Tube. This gorgeous Alice
can be yours this month with a $10
purchase of her regular tubes.
I am also showcasing the wonderland
filled IB Enys Guerrero October
2021 Scrap by Karmalized Scraps.
“Little Alice fell
the hOle,
bumped her head
and bruised her soul”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
CT tag & matching wallpaper featuring the
whimsical art of Cuddly Rigor Mortis.
I am featuring her October 2021 Bonus Tube.
These sweet candy corns are ready to help you
celebrate & party this Halloween!
They can be yours this month with a $10
purchase of her regular tubes.
I am also showcasing the wonderful IB
Cuddly Rigor Mortis October 2021
Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080
& available here for download.
Make sure these guys are on your guest list.
They are sure to bring a lot of fun to your
spooky get togethers this season!
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Verymany using their tube Halloween.
I am also showcasing the oh so wonderful
scrap Witches or Treats by Wicked Princess.
What's Halloween without all the delicious
yummy treats? Kids and adults alike love
to indulge in the spooky treats this time of year.
From candy corn to pumpkin spiced everything,
what's your favorite bewitched goody?
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Goldwasser. The tube is included in the
oh so gothic scrap Dark Ocean of Shadows
by Curious Creative Dreams. I am also
showcasing an animation by Rebel Dezigns
from animation pack 682.
There are depths of the ocean we have only
started to scratch the surface on. Secrets lie
buried in the dark water. Ship wrecks forever
hidden beneath the waves - lost to sirens
singing their cursed songs. Take care not to
listen to their melodies - lest you disappear as well.
I did a tag challenge today for BCA.
Thought I would share a wallpaper since
October is Breast Cancer awareness month.
Art by Keith Garvey using his 155-1 tube.
Remember to check your breast ladies!
Wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available here for download.
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Rebecca Sinz using her tube
Halloween Night.
"There is something at work in my soul,
which I do not understand." Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
"Shadows of a thousands years rise again unseen, voices whisper in the trees,
'Tonight is Halloween!'" Dexter Kozen
CT timeline featuring the gorgeous art of
Anna Liwanag using her tube 130-1.
I am also showcasing the oh so spooky
scrap October 31st by Karmalized Scraps.
Beware the places you visit this Halloween.
Some of the ghost stories have truth in them.
And not all ghosts are friendly or may wish harm.
If you do wander into such places, be sure to
have a few items of protection with you.
& be prepared to be scared repeatedly.
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- Honored Scraps (230)
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- Irish Princess Designs (118)
- Jensen (106)
- Jose Cano (1)
- Karmalized (108)
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- Kissing Kate (4)
- Kizzed by Kelz (81)
- Ladyhawwk (306)
- LaReina Designz (1)
- Layout (6)
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- Misticheskaya (18)
- Monti's Scraps (22)
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- Mystical Scraps (184)
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- Pimpin Pspers Warehouse (3)
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- Queen Uriel (39)
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- Rebecca Sinz (162)
- Rebel Designz (123)
- Rene Kunert (27)
- Retro (7)
- Rissa's Designs (8)
- RMQ (47)
- Robot (2)
- Sale (3)
- Sams Scraps (1)
- Savage Dezines (2)
- Schnegge (14)
- School (21)
- Sci-fi (3)
- Scrap (23)
- Scrappin with lil ole me (1)
- Selina Fenech (13)
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- Treasured Scraps (7)
- Tresured Scraps (26)
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