I did this tonight & thought I would blog it.
I don't often do New Year's themed tags.
But this kind of fell out of my psp.
I think we're all ready to say good-bye
to 2021. Though I can't say mine was all bad.
There certainly were some high points to it.
Art by Jenny using Rosemary tube
Scrap New Beginnings by Kizzed by Kelz.
Snag tag is below. Let's hope we all have a
wonderful 2022.
CT tag featuring the absolutely adorable
art of Queen Uriel using her Frankie Bride tube.
I commissioned her during one of her Marathons.
Isn't she just wonderful?
I am also showcasing the fantastic scrap
Perfectly Imperfect Beauty by
Wicked Princess Scraps. Why shouldn't a
monster bride be a pinup? To get hitched or
not to get hitched...that is her pondering at the moment.
But she'll look damn good while deciding too.
And she'll have the other monsters jealous of her.
But none of that bothers her tonight. Tonight, her & all her
lady monster friends, are having a night on the town
for her bachelorette mash!
CT timeline featuring the gorgeous art of
Keith Garvey using his tube 226-2.
I am also showcasing the oh so festive
IB Maryline Cazenave 38-2 Scrap
In this house, Santa is a lady.
& she takes decorating & gift giving very seriously.
Her house exudes the Christmas holiday.
I did a new Winter Phone Wallpaper tonight.
I'm featuring the IB Pinuptoons 154-3
Scrap by Kizzed by Kelz.
The phone wallpaper is 768x1200.
You can download the wallpaper here.
Give your phones a winter outfit for the season
with this shy fox & his woods.
CT tag featuring the art of Verymany using
their tube Spring 2. Unfortunately, I cannot
link to it atm. I am also showcasing the
oh so beautiful scrap Decorating For
Christmas by Wicked Princess Scraps.
Deck your halls & homes for the season.
Make them merry & bright with the holiday decor.
What colors do you choose to decorate the season in?
Is it cold or warm this time of year where you reside?
We saw the band Gemini Syndrome recently in
Hollywood. It was our 3rd time seeing them and our
1st VIP experience. We absolutely love their music.
That night, they performed their song Remember We Die
twice - as part of their full concert & the acoustic VIP.
Both times the song nearly brought me to tears.
I battled depression last year during quarantine
& after returning to work. I've posted on here about
my struggles some. In fact, I came very
close to ending my battle & letting the demons win.
The song Remember We Die has
resonated strongly with me. I was fortunate to share a
bit of my story with the singer Aaron that night .
I wanted to illustrate the song in a tag/wallpaper.
Art by Zindy
Scrap by Rieneke
Wallpaper size 1920x1080
CT tag featuring the adorable art of
Maigan Lynn using her tube 47-4.
I am also showcasing the oh so festively delicious
scrap Frosty Holiday by Karmalized Scraps.
The holidays are filled with yummy treats
that show up this time of year. From holiday parties
to smaller get togethers, we all indulge in treats.
This sweet unicorn wants to taste them too.
She wonders what the big deal is about the holidays.
Once she experiences the lights, decor and of course
the food, she is captivated by the Christmas magic.
CT tag & snags featuring the fantastic art of
Anna Liwanag using her retired
bonus from November 2019.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
IB Simona Candini 24-3 Scrap
Christmas is the season of showing
our loved ones how much we cherish them.
By giving gifts we know they will love,
it says I pay attention to what you like.
That you listen to what interests them.
It's a time to gather family & friends close
for special visits & memories to be made.
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Sheokate using the tube Squirrel.
I am also showcasing the fantastic
matching scrap Winter Squirrel
by Kizzed by Kelz. During winter,
the squirrels have stockpiled food.
Snow makes it hard to find anything.
They must stay warm when venturing
out from their homes. Bundle up for
the biting winds and snow flurries.
It's been a year since you left us.
A lot happens in a year.
The wound is still very much there.
It changes over the course of time.
But there is an emptiness there without you.
You'll never be forgotten my friend.
I know you visit from time to time to check
in on us. Until we meet again my friend in
another life. Our paths will cross again.
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Attila using the tube Catrine.
I am also showcasing the oh so
festive scrap Catrine by Kizzed by Kelz.
There are a couple holiday snags as well.
Have you started counting the days until Christmas yet?
Kids certainly are counting. Presents appear under
the tree during the month - building the anticipation!
All of us wonder what we've been given by our
family & friends! And we enjoy having our festive
decorations up to add to the season.
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the whimsically
adorable art of Sheena Pike. I am using her
December 2021 Bonus Tube which is available
with a $10 purchase of her regular tubes.
I'm also showcasing the oh so festive
IB Sheena Pike December 2021
Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Ladyhawwk is Designer Of The Month
currently and her kits are 25% off right now.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & available
here to download. This friendly gnome
is ready to welcome your holiday visitors
this season. A pat on the hat is all he asks for.
Please avoid poking the nose though. He's
had it done an obscene amount of times
& it really bothers him.
CT tag featuring the fabulous art of
Elias Chatzoudis using his tube 183-2.
I am also showcasing the oh so festive IB
Melissa Dawn 22-2 Scrap by Karmalized Scraps.
Shh! If your quiet, she'll show you the way to
the North Pole & Santa's workshop.
But you must be quiet or else the Elves may hear you.
Do you want to see where the magic happens?
New tag by me featuring the beautiful art
of Anna Liwanag using her November 2016
Bonus tube. This festive beauty is available for sale.
I am also showcasing the beautifully festive scrap
Peacock Holiday by Kizzed by Kelz.
"The joy of brightening other lives becomes
for us the magic of the holidays." W.C. Jones
"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world,
and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." Norman Vincent Peale
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the beautiful
art of Verymany using the tube Christmas Angel 2.
I am also showcasing the wonderfully festive
Tea On Christmas Scrap by Wicked Princess Scraps.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & available here to download.
As I was saving these, the Christmas carol Winter Wonderland
popped into my head. Have a listen. It will put you in the holiday season.
CT tag featuring the adorable art of
Cuddly Rigor Mortis using her tube 72-3.
I am also showcasing the oh so chilly
IB Sheena Pike 59-3 Scrap by
Be sure to keep an eye out for the snowy
foxes as you play in the mountain snow.
You may see them scampering around
for food or chasing one another.
But it will take a keen eye to
spot them in the snow.
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of Sheokate
using her tube Holly. She comes all decked out
ready to attend all the holiday parties. I am also
showcasing the oh so festive scrap
Holly by Kizzed by Kelz. I also
have a few snags below to
greet each other during the holidays.
Part of the initial excitement about the holidays
is decorating for them. To revisit & remember
memories as you hang decorations you haven't
seen in a year. The decorations help bring
the holidays to life.
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