CT timeline featuring the wonderful art of
PinUp Toons. I am using a bonus tube of his
from 2016 which is available for purchase. I
am also showcasing the oh so lovely IB
Cartoon Pink 35-1 Scrap by Karmalized Scraps.
Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties,
but of little things, in which smiles and kindness,
and small obligations given habitually, are
what preserve the heart and secure comfort.- Humphry Davy
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of Ted Hammond
using his rocking tube 31-2. I am also showcasing
the kickass scrapkit Rock Princess by AORK.
The animation is by Rebel Dezigns & is
from the animation package 449.
If you can't handle the music being loud,
perhaps her concert isn't for you. There is
only one volume setting for her & that is loud!
You can almost feel the vibrations of the sound
waves going through you as you rock out.
CT tag featuring the adorable art of Howard Robinson
using his tube 19-2. I am also showcasing the
lovely IB Howard Robinson 19-2 scrap
by Gimptastic Scraps. This handsome canine
has accompanied his favorite humans around
the world. He's quite the world traveler now.
He's up for an adventure everyday.
CT timeline featuring the wonderful &
oh so festive scrap Christmas Tradition
by Karmalized Scraps. The scrap is full
of lots of wonderful decorations for your creations.
"For Christmas is tradition time—
Traditions that recall
The precious memories down the years,
The sameness of them all."
- Helen Lowrie Marshall
"Christmas will always be as long as we stand
heart to heart and hand in hand."
- Dr. Seuss
Today I made a winter themed phone wallpaper
using the oh so chilly IB Molly Harrison 132-1
Scrap by Karmalized Scraps. You can download
it here for your cellphone. After all, why not
dress up our phones for the chilly season?
Just be sure to keep it warm & away from the
chilly weather outdoors.
I did a new cell phone wallpaper tonight
featuring the beautiful scrap Holiday Elegance
by Ladyhawwk Designs. The wallpaper is
786x1200 & can be downloaded here.
It's for personal use only to help
dress up your phone for the season.
CT tag featuring the adorable art of Maryline Cazenave
using her tube 105-2. I am also showcasing the
oh so chilly IB Maryline Cazenave 105-2
Scrap by Kizzed by Kelz.
This sweet pup loves to play outside
in the snow with you. Riding the sled
or jumping in the show piles is just
fine with him. Just be sure to
warm him up afterwards along
with yourself.
The psp community was rocked this past week with the passing
of our beloved Pinky T, Tonya. She was heavily involved in
so much of PSP & her loss has shaken many of us to our core.
I considered her one of my closest & dearest friends.
There was hardly a day that we weren't in chat
throughout the day talking about anything & everything.
While we are still mourning, I wanted to take a moment
to celebrate her creations. Tonya certainly created
such beautiful tags for us. It's impossible to choose
a few favorites but I selected some which show
how talented & gifted she was in psp. She often
said she couldn't tag gothic but I don't think
she ever truly found something she wasn't
capable of making beautiful.I also wanted to
showcase creations with a few of her
favorite artists - Jennifer Janesko,
Anna Liwanag & Maryline Cazenave.
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