CT tag featuring the wonderful art of Sheena Pike
using her adorable tube 28-2. I am also showcasing
the oh so spooky cute IB Cuddly Rigor Mortis
October 2020 Scrap by Karmalized Scraps.
This sweet songbird loves to sing her songs
during the spooky season evenings.
Other birds sing in the mornings,
but for her, the evenings are much more delightful.
Sometimes the local ghosts chime in as well
& add their own sounds to the melodies.
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of Rebecca Sinz
using her tube The End Of All Things. I am also
showcasing the wonderful scrap Tourniquet by
Chaos Priestess. She isn't alone on this journey
& fight for survival. No, her beloved feline has
also succumbed to the zombie virus. She'll do
anything to keep her furry friend safe.
CT timeline featuring the beautiful art of Jessica Dougherty
using her witchy tube 32-3. I am also showcasing
the oh so spooky IB Jessica Dougherty 32-3
Scrap by Kizzed by Kelz. Beware the witchy
who dwells here. There are tales of her tricking
souls - of people never returning to their homes
after crossing paths with her. Yet, there are
those who swear by her concoctions. Which tales do
you believe of her? Perhaps she reacts accordingly
to how people treat her.
CT tag featuring the magical art of Sheena Pike
using her tube 53-3. I am also showcasing
the wonderful IB Sheena Pike 53-3
Scrap by Chaos Priestess.
Under the cover of darkness, the panther
hunts & patrols; hidden by the night.
Its prey never knowing the panther is there
until its almost too late. Quiet, quick & camouflaged,
the panther is the perfect night hunter.
CT timeline featuring the adorable art of Caron Vinson
using her tube 28-2. I am also showcasing the
oh so spookily cute IB Caron Vinson 28-2
Scrap by Wicked Princess Scraps.
Don't let her bother you. She is simply
letting her bats free tonight. It's the
season after all for the bats to fly free.
Strangeness & creepiness are in the
air after all.
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the magical art of
Sara Butcher-Burrier using her tube 44-3.
I am also showcasing the wonderful scrap
Autumn Soul by Gimptastic Scraps.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & available
here for download.
“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light
and color are their last days.” – John Burrows
A simple four letter word.
A word that can be used to describe so
many things in the world by people.
A word that should never, ever be used
to describe a person's appearance.
Especially by someone's family member.
Let's define it shall we?
According to Dictionary.com, the first definition for ugly is:
very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance.
Now, we know that what one person finds attractive another person may not,
that goes without saying. But never shall a person say or imply to
a person they may find unattractive that they are ugly.
People may have disabilities or physical challenges
in life due to no fault of their own.
It is wrong to solely focus on those issues
as a way to determine if they are pretty or not.
And if someone does, they really need to
re evaluate themselves as a person.
Using it to describe a person can hurt them
emotionally & mentally. And it is just plain mean.
To do so to a loved one is cruel & insensitive.
Let's try to be nice humans okay?
CT tag featuring the magical art of Brigid Ashwood
using her witchy tube 13-3. I am also showcasing the
wonderful IB Anna Liwanag 100-1 Scrap by Ladyhawwk.
Take a seat on her pumpkin. Listen to her as she speaks.
Oh but beware, she may cast a spell upon you.
Be it for good or bad..that is only known to her
& her little frog friend.
CT timeline featuring the fabulous art of Enamorte
using her tube 73-2. I am also showcasing
the darkly beautiful scrap Pain Away
by Karmalized Scraps. Life gives us wounds
& scars throughout it. Everyone finds a vice
or a way to cope & lessen the pain even if
for a little awhile. Just so we can have a
chance to breathe & exist without the reminder
of our pain, Sometimes, just sometimes,
its easier than facing the monster within our painful pasts.
CT tag featuring the adorable art of Maryline Cazenave
using her tube 105-3. I am also showcasing the oh so pretty
scrap Beautiful Autumn by Kizzed by Kelz.
Be sure to take an umbrella with you on your walks.
It will help keep the wind off of you. But take care
not to get blown away like the leaves do.
Oh & be sure not to trip as this sweet pup runs
around your legs chasing & jumping in the leaves.
A dear friend & scrap designer Shani aka Wicked Princess Scraps
lost her beloved brother last month. To help out with the cost
of this, a bunch of us came together to create this oh so spooky
scrap collab. It has kits,CU, tubes etc in it & is perfect for all
of your spooky designs. You can purchase it
at Mystical Scraps for $10. Its a great way to
help out a fellow PSP member & get some
wicked cool designing tools.
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