Friday, January 31, 2020
12:16 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring wonderful art of
PinUp Toons using his tube 198-3.
I am also showcasing the adorable
IB PinUp Toons 198-3 IB Scrap
Ice cream is the perfect treat to
have on a warm summer day.
It will cool you off & bring a
smile to your way as you enjoy it.
Labels:CDO,Cute,Food,Summer,Sweet,Wicked Princess | 0
Thursday, January 30, 2020
10:15 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the sexy art of Keith Garvey
using his tube 340-2. Isn't she gorgeous?
I am also showcasing the Valentine's filled
scrap Love Chocolate by Kizzed by Kelz.
She is ready to celebrate Valentine's with
the love of her life. Surrounded by candles,
flowers & chocolates to indulge in, she
knows tonight will be one to remember.
Love is in the air tonight.
Labels:CDO,Garv,Kizzed by Kelz,Love,Valentine's Day | 0
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
3:52 PM | Edit Post
Just playing today as I'm starting to feel better
after being quite sick. For this tag & wallpaper
I used art by Celinart Pinup with her Alice tube.
The scrap is Chocolate Chip Mint by
Doodle by Design. The wallpaper is
1920x1080 & available here for download.
I love the cool soft colors of this scrap. And
they work oh so well with this antlered beauty.
I love the cool soft colors of this scrap. And
they work oh so well with this antlered beauty.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
1:48 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Rebecca Sinz using her tube Druid.
She is an empowering woman ready
to cast spells to protect what she
holds most dear. Beware the night
if you choose to do wrong by her.
For the shadows welcome her
& listen to her whispers.
Labels:Gothic,Pagan,Rebecca Sinz | 0
8:08 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the adorably cute art of
Maryline Cazenave using her tube 96-1.
I am also showcasing the oh so lovely
scrap Forever Yours by Gimptastic.
This sweet kitty is ready to share her
love with you. The love of a kitty
is truly special as love from any
pet is. Open your home & your
heart to a furbaby's love.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Cute,Gimptastic,Love | 0
Saturday, January 18, 2020
11:31 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Monte Moore using his tube 65-3.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
scrap Now To Forever by Chaos Priestess.
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”
― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
Labels:CDO,Chaos Priestess,Love,Sexy,Valentine's Day | 0
Friday, January 17, 2020
4:57 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the adorable art
of Maryline Cazenave using her tube 74-3.
I am also showcasing the sweet scrap
Love Is In The Air by Creative Scraps by Crys.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available here for download.
This sweet puppy is ready for
love season. She has love
oozing out of her little tongue.
Don't let her down & be sure to
include her in your fun.
Labels:Animals,CDO,CSBC,Love,Valentine's Day,Wallpaper | 0
Thursday, January 16, 2020
3:42 PM | Edit Post
CT timeline featuring the gorgeous art of
Tom Wood using his tube 2-1.
I am also showcasing the oh so dark
IB Tom Wood 2-1 Scrap by
Wicked Princess Scraps. There is a
beauty in the dark side of life.
For those that embrace the gothic life,
the night offers comfort in its shadows.
Does the dark side talk to you as well?
Labels:CDO,Gothic,Timeline,Wicked Princess | 0
12:29 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
PinUp Toons using his tube 154-3.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
scrap Hot Chocolate Cuddles by
Karmalized Scraps. During the winter,
nothing warms you up like a hot cocoa.
A cup of warm, rich, chocolate topped
with marshmallows is like a hug in a cup.
Labels:CDO,Food,Karmalized,Winter | 0
Sunday, January 12, 2020
7:19 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the fantastic
art of Elias Chatzoudis using his tube
81-3. I am also showcasing the rocking
IB Scrap Anna Liwanag 60-1 by
Kizzed by Kelz.The wallpaper is
1920x1080 & available here to
download. For me, there is
nothing better than rocking out
at a metal concert. I absolutely love
seeing bands live & moving to the music!
We love going to small clubs over
the stadium shows. It's more intimate
& you can get up close to the band while
they perform. The energy from the band
& the crowd begs for you to move to it.
Labels:CDO,EliasC.,Kizzed by Kelz,Music,Wallpaper | 0
Thursday, January 9, 2020
8:40 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Stanley Morrison, a brand new CDO artist.
I am using his January 2020 Bonus Tube.
This regal cat can be yours with a $10 purchase
of his regular tubes. I am also showcasing
the wonderful Stanley Morrison January
2020 IB Scrap by Creative Scraps by Crys.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods;
they have not forgotten this."
Terry Pratchett
Labels:Animals,CDO,CSBC,Fantasy | 0
Saturday, January 4, 2020
7:43 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Keith Garvey using his tube 144-1.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
Keith Garvey 144-1 IB Scrap
Define your own scent &
be unforgettable by it. Let the
scent linger after you leave.
That way, people will remember
& wish you had stayed longer.
Labels:CDO,Girly,Ladyhawwk | 0
Friday, January 3, 2020
5:08 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the adorable art of
Destiny Lauritsen using her
January 2018 bonus tube. You
can find her regular tubes available
here for purchase. I am also
showcasing the wonderful
Pamper Yourself Scrap by Karmalized.
"Make some time for yourself today - to relax,
reflect and revive your spirit. " Unknown
"Sometimes we just need to take a little
time for ourselves." - Unknown
Labels:CDO,Cute,Karmalized | 0
Thursday, January 2, 2020
7:11 PM | Edit Post
I rang in the New Year last night by playing in PSP
after work. Why not do a Valentine's theme tag &
wallpaper? I used the tube Teddy Bear 6
by Verymany. I just love this tube!! But I am
a teddy bear lover at heart. I am showcasing the scrap
called Snow Kissed by Doodle by Design.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & is
available here for download.
I hope you have a sweetie to hug & cuddle.
Or maybe a favorite stuffed friend to hold.
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