Wednesday, August 28, 2019
11:42 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Rebecca Sinz using her tube Blue Moon.
The tube comes with four different layers
to choose from for designing.
The moon has a darkside rarely seen or
considered. Its that side which speaks
to her heart & spirit. Like the moon's
darkside, often she is overlooked
or forgotten about. But that's okay.
For the ones who do take time to
notice her, she has secrets & wisdoms
to share.
Labels:Moon,Rebecca Sinz | 0
Thursday, August 22, 2019
1:01 PM | Edit Post
New wallpaper by me featuring the stunning
art of Nene Thomas using her August
2019 bonus tube. She is available with a
$10 purchase of her regular tubes this month.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available here for download. The initial design
is based from a tutorial called
Whatever by JustFi.
Labels:CDO,Fantasy,Girly,Wallpaper | 0
10:20 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Anna Marine using her tube 69-3.
I am also showcasing the Inspired By
Anna Marine 69-3 Scrap by Chaos Priestess.
Find your own faith & beliefs in life.
You can define & shape it to fit you personally.
It doesn't have to follow any rules or
what society commonly believes.
Labels:CDO,Chaos Priestess,Life,Thoughts | 0
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
3:57 PM | Edit Post
CT timeline featuring the magical
& adorable scrap Fairytales
by Kizzed by Kelz. The
sweet little fairy needs her
nap from today's adventures.
Her mouse friend guards her while
she rests & keeps the other
animals away from her napping walnut.
It's the perfect size for her with its petal blanket.
Labels:Cute,Fairy,Fantasy,Kizzed by Kelz,Timeline | 0
Thursday, August 15, 2019
6:00 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the adorable art
of Destiny Lauritsen using her tube 10-3.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
scrap Autumn's Breath by Creative Scraps by Crys.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & available
here for download. This sweet elf is all
tuckered out from playing in the autumn leaves.
Now, he is going to have to go inside soon
but he wants to have more fun.
Tomorrow my elf friend, tomorrow the leaves
will be there to play in.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
1:43 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the magical art of
Sheena Pike using her tube 7-2.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
scrap Autumn Espresso by Karmalized Scraps.
Nothing warms you up on a chilly autumn
morning like a hot cup of espresso. Give the
kitty some rubs too while you take a sip or too.
Labels:CDO,Fall,Food,Karmalized | 0
9:41 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the magical art of
Sheena Pike using her tube 19-3. I am also
showcasing the IB Sheena Pike 19-3
Scrap by Kizzed by Kelz. The
wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available for download here.
This sweet panda has certainly
found the secret for her inner
peace & tranquility.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Cute,Kizzed by Kelz,Peace,Wallpaper | 0
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
8:14 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Steve Baier using his tube 1-3.
I am also showcasing the island filled
scrap Tiki Beach by Gimptastic Scraps.
Find your favorite summer tune &
let it play on repeat as you
dance summer away. Lounge
on the beach & watch the surfers
ride the waves.
Labels:CDO,Gimptastic,Ocean,Summer | 0
Thursday, August 8, 2019
2:36 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Rebecca Sinz using her tube Cherry Blossoms.
I am also showcasing the oh so pretty
scrap Loving Moments by Foxy's Designz.
I used the full size version of the scrap but
only the tagger size is available now.
Days spent with friends or special
people can often be the best days.
Happiness, smiles & making memories
to last forever.
I used the full size version of the scrap but
only the tagger size is available now.
Days spent with friends or special
people can often be the best days.
Happiness, smiles & making memories
to last forever.
Labels:Foxy's Designz,Happy,Rebecca Sinz | 0
Thursday, August 1, 2019
12:17 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Maryline Cazenave using her tube 99-3.
I am also showcasing the island filled
scrap Tropicana by Irish Princess.
Come visit the islands this summer.
Take in the lush vegetation & all the colors
of the flowers & fruits. Be sure to look to
the trees above to catch a glimpse of
our friend the toucan.
Labels:Animals,Irish Princess Designs,Ocean,Summer | 0
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