Thursday, May 30, 2019
12:14 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the art of Ismael Rac.
I am also showcasing the fun filled
scrap Remember Summer by Freek's Creations.
Are you ready for days spent at the beach?
Make sure you take sunscreen, beach balls,
sunglasses and all of the essentials.
Oh, and be sure to listen to the lifeguards
if needed. They are trying to keep
everyone safe in & out of the water.
Labels:Freeks Creations,Ocean,Rac,Summer | 0
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
3:15 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the adorable art of
Samantha Jean Illustrations using her tube 3-1.
This sweet unicorn comes with 3 different color layers.
I am also showcasing the oh so yummylicious
scrap Sweet Tooth Kingdom by Wicked Princess.
Take a ride with this sweet unicorn &
pick out your favorite sweet treats to enjoy.
Just be sure to share with her during your
ride through the kingdom.
Labels:Animals,CDO,cupcake,Cupcakes,Fantasy,Food,Wicked Princess | 0
Thursday, May 23, 2019
5:38 PM | Edit Post
New wallpaper by me featuring the adorable
art of Ash Evans using her tube 32-3.
I am also showcasing the oh so pretty
scrap Springtime by SophisticatSimone.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & available
here for download. Evenings in the spring
& summers can bring a glow to them.
As if the sun is smiling before it says
good-bye for the day.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Spring,Wallpaper | 0
3:47 PM | Edit Post
New wallpaper by me featuring the wonderful art of
Abranda Icle Flaminio using her tube 3-3.
I am also showcasing the wonderful scrap
Cherish by Ladyhawwk Designs. The
wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available here for download.
Sometimes, you need to show your
soft side to others...or alone to yourself.
Don't be afraid to be gentle in life
once in awhile.
Labels:CDO,Ladyhawwk,Vintage,Wallpaper | 0
Saturday, May 18, 2019
11:00 AM | Edit Post
New wallpaper by me featuring the magical
art of Sheena Pike. I am using her May
2019 Bonus tube which is available with
a $10 purchase of her tubes. I am also
showcasing the wonderful IB Scrap
Sheena Pike April 2018 by Foxy's Designz.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available here for download.
Labels:CDO,Foxy's Designz,Mermaids,Ocean,Wallpaper | 0
9:16 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Enys Guerrero using her tube 29-1.
I am also showcasing the fantastic
IB scrap Enys Guerrero 29-1
by Chaos Priestess. When words
are impossible due to pain & emotions,
let music speak for your soul. Music can
give you strength when your own voice
cannot. Let the music be your guide.
Labels:CDO,Chaos Priestess,Fantasy,Gothic,Music | 0
Thursday, May 16, 2019
4:30 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous pinup art of
Michael Landefeld using his tube 2-1.
I am also showcasing the adventure-filled
scrap The Road So Far by Irish Princess.
Take an adventure this summer & road
trip across the country! You'll see
different places & destinations...make
memories & eat some delicious food.
Miles ahead of you with the radio blaring
& wind in the hair is a great start
to any road trip.
Labels:CDO,Irish Princess Designs,Life,Summer | 0
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
7:00 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Sybile Art using her May 2019
Bonus tube. She is available with
a $10 purchase of her tubes. I am
also showcasing the wonderful
Sybile Art May 2019 IB Scrap
by Ladyhawwk Designs. Love
can reveal itself in various colors
depending on the soul its meant for.
While red & pink may work for many,
it takes an unique soul to find
the shades of blue in love.
Labels:CDO,Ladyhawwk,Love | 0
9:43 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the wonderful
pinup art of Michael Landefeld
using his tube 30-2. I am also
showcasing the wonderful scrap
Maryline Cazenave 80-1
IB Scrap by Karmalized Scraps.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available here for download.
She can't wait to tempt the surfers this
summer as they wait on their boards.
A tail swish here & there..a flip
in the sure to get their attention.
Labels:CDO,Karmalized,Mermaids,Ocean,Summer,Wallpaper | 0
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
9:02 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the magical & adorable
art of Maryline Cazenave using her
May 2019 Bonus Tube. This cute unicorn
is available with a $10 purchase of her tubes.
I am also showcasing the oh so cute IB
Maryline Cazenave May 2019 Scrap
by Creative Scraps by Crys. Unicorns are
full of love & happiness..until you
insult or make them mad. They will be
happy while giving you a unicorn slap.
Labels:Animals,CDO,CSBC,Fantasy | 0
Thursday, May 9, 2019
2:20 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the whimsical art of
Julia Spiri using her May 2019
bonus tube. She is available with
a $10 purchase of her regular tubes.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
IB Julia Spiri May 2019 Bonus
Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
The trick to being a steampunk builder
& a finding a dress that one
can build in. And then accessorize of course.
Labels:CDO,Ladyhawwk,Steampunk | 0
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
4:21 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the stunning art of
Rebecca Sinz using her tube Raining Stars.
"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet.
Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about
what makes the universe exist. Be curious. " Stephen Hawking
Labels:Dreams,Moon,Rebecca Sinz | 0
Thursday, May 2, 2019
4:12 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Rebecca Sinz using her tube Eclipse.
Under a full moon, she draws her
power & casts her magick. As the sun
& moon briefly become one, the deities
align & her spells take life.
Labels:Moon,Rebecca Sinz | 0
10:53 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Cuddly Rigor Mortis using her tube 95-1.
I am also showcasing the delicious scrap
Strawberry Fields by Karmalized Scraps.
Come to the field & pick your own
berries!! Be sure to choose the most
delicious looking ones! I'm sure this
berry can help guide you on which ones
are the best tasting.
Labels:CDO,Cute,Food,Karmalized | 0
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
10:24 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Ismael Rac. I am also showcasing
the music filled scrap Rock Goddess
by Irish Princess Designs. Can you
handle her rock show? Are you ready
to rock out all night to the music?
If you like it loud & heavy,
then she is ready to play!
Labels:Irish Princess Designs,Music,Rac | 0
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