Sunday, January 27, 2019
6:27 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the
beautiful art of Alex Prihodko
using his tube Sweetheart 2.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
scrap Love Story by
The wallpaper is 1920x1080
& available here for download.
Love tastes sweetest when its
shared with your someone special.
Labels:CSBC,Love,Valentine's Day,Wallpaper | 0
Saturday, January 26, 2019
7:30 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the stunning art of
Rebecca Sinz using her tube Famine.
I am also showcasing the beautifully
gothic scrap Midnight Travelers
by Honored Scraps.When faced with
a hunger impossible to satisfy everywhere
you look, the hunger has become a famine.
Hope leaves your world and darkness closes in.
Your view of right & wrong becomes skewed.
What will you sacrifice to be able to eat?
2:18 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fabulous art of
Enamorte using her tube 51-3.
I am also showcasing the
attitude filled scrap Rotate
The animation is by Rebel Dezigns
& from the package 345. Sometimes,
you can't hide your attitude. It demands
to be shown to the world & seeps out
of every pore of your body.
Labels:Animation,Attitude,CDO,Gimptastic,Rebel Designz | 0
12:00 PM | Edit Post
CT button tag featuring the wonderful
pinup art of Ted Hammond using his
tube 55-3. I am also showcasing
the yummylicious Ib Ted Hammond
55-3 Scrap by Karmalized Scraps.
With Valentine's approaching, her
diner is filled with all the delicious
sweet treats perfect for your love.
Labels:CDO,Cupcakes,Cute,Food,Karmalized,Love,Valentine's Day | 0
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
2:19 PM | Edit Post
New tag & wallpaper by me featuring
the art of Anna Marine. I am using
her tube 38-3. I am also showcasing
the beautiful scrap Winter Rose
by Foxy's Designz. The wallpaper is
1920x1080 & available here. Winter comes
alive with gorgeous shades of pink
& white. Snowflakes fall &
create soft, chilly pillows just
waiting to be played in.
Labels:CDO,Foxy's Designz,Wallpaper,Winter | 0
Sunday, January 20, 2019
11:19 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the wonderful
art of Anna Marine using her tube 37-2.
I am also showcasing the Inspired By
Anna Marine 37-2 Scrap by Tasha's Playground.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available here for download.
As wonderful as love it, sometimes it
has capability of hurting us. Love isn't
always sunshine & roses. There is a
darker side to the happiness. It's how
we find our way back to the light
that strengthens our love.
Labels:CDO,Love,Tasha's Playground,Wallpaper | 0
Saturday, January 19, 2019
5:50 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the sunning art of
Briet Olga using her tube 2-2. I
am also showcasing wonderful IB
Briet Olga 2-2 Scrap by Karmalized Scraps.
The animation is by SophisticatSimone
& is available in Package 131. The beauty of
nature can be found in every part of the world.
Find your zen as you surround yourself
with the outdoors.
Labels:Animation,CDO,Karmalized,Nature,SophisticatSimone | 0
9:09 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Verymany using their tube Fleur. I am
also showcasing the beautiful scrap
Romantic Roses by Irish Princess Designs.
Nothing quite says romance & love than
surrounding the person you love with
their favorite flowers. Roses of course, are
considered the most romantic flower by many.
Labels:Irish Princess Designs,Love,Verymany | 0
Sunday, January 13, 2019
10:52 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the stunning art of
Michael Calandra using his tube 26-1.
I am also showcasing the wonderful
IB Michael Calandra 26-1 Scrap
by Chaos Priestess. Many would
describe her as sensual. Yet, as an
angel, she isn't so sure if she should be.
But, she cannot help how her
body reacts to others. Perhaps
she should be an angel of temptation.
Labels:Angel,CDO,Chaos Priestess | 0
Saturday, January 12, 2019
7:07 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the beautiful art of
Rebecca Sinz using her tube
Kindred Spirits.
"I always believed in animal spirits. It's not
their existence that is new. It's the fact that
they are not random events, but actually replicate
in-bred qualities of human nature which create those animal spirits. "
-Alan Greenspan
their existence that is new. It's the fact that
they are not random events, but actually replicate
in-bred qualities of human nature which create those animal spirits. "
-Alan Greenspan
Labels:Animals,Nature,Rebecca Sinz | 0
11:55 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the
fantastic art of Sheena Pike. I am
using her January 2019 bonus
tube which is available with
a $10 purchase of her tubes this month.
I am also showcasing the oh so
colorful IB Sheena Pike Jan
2019 Bonus Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 &
available here for download.
Don't hide your colors & what makes
you unique. Let your true self shine
& show the world your magic!
Labels:Animals,CDO,Fantasy,Wallpaper | 0
Sunday, January 6, 2019
2:18 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the
wonderful art of Jessica Dougherty
using her tube 13-2. I am also
showcasing the fantastic scrap
PS I Love You by Chaos Priestess.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080
& available for download here.
When life has you down to the
lowest possible point, you are
left to find strength within yourself.
A strength that possibly you didn't
believe existed. Use that to climb up
and stand back up in life.
Labels:CDO,Chaos Priestess,Thoughts,Wallpaper,Words | 0
12:38 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Cuddly Rigor Mortis using the retired
bonus tube from July 2018. I am
also showcasing the yummy scrap
Sweet Tooth by Karmalized Scraps.
This sweet donut has found lots of
yummy delicious treats for his friends.
He knows they won't be able to resist
the sweet deliciousness.
Labels:CDO,Cute,Food,Karmalized | 0
Saturday, January 5, 2019
5:16 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the art of
Andreea Cernestean & the art of
Alex Prihodko. I am also showcasing
the wonderfully adorable collab
Stuck On You; featuring the designers
Creative Scraps by Crys &
Dees'Sign Depot available here. We love to show
our special person that we love them.
Little things can remind them how
much they are loved. A sweet treat
or a bouquet of flowers will
give them a smile as they think of you.
Labels:CSBC,Dees"SIGN Depot,Love,Valentine's Day | 0
12:16 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fabulous art of
Enamorte using her tube 8-1. I
am also showcasing the wonderful
scrap Kiss Of Death by Gimptastic Scraps.
The animation I am using is by
Rebel Dezigns & available
in animation package 218.
All she wants to be loved by someone.
Yet, it seems death always finds
her suitors. Is she forever destined
to remain alone & unloved?
All she wants to be loved by someone.
Yet, it seems death always finds
her suitors. Is she forever destined
to remain alone & unloved?
Labels:Animation,CDO,Gothic,Love,Rebel Designz | 0
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