Wednesday, July 27, 2016
5:54 PM | Edit Post
I did two wallpapers today for a tag challenge.
Thought I would share them here as well.
The wallpapers are size 1920x1080.
For this one, I used the Linda Biggs
& Ladyhawwk Designs Bundle 26.
Wallpaper available here
For this one, I used art by Steve Baier
& the wonderful scrap Seascape
by Rebel Dezigns.
Wallpaper available here
Labels:CDO,Ladyhawwk,Ocean,Rebel Designz,Wallpaper | 0
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
1:16 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring wonderful art of Rebecca Sinz
using her Glam Owl tube. With it, I have also
used the wonderful matching Scrap
Glam by Honored Scraps. She is
doing her makeup before her
night out. After all, she needs to
look good when flying around.
Labels:Animals,Girly,Honored Scraps,Rebecca Sinz | 0
10:35 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Anna Liwanag
& the IB Cuddly Rigor Mortis 64-3
Scrap by Chichi Designz.
Sitting outside, she reflects on
the beauty of nature surrounding her.
Nature offers a chance to quiet
her mind and enjoy the
warm sunshine
Labels:CDO,Chichi,Nature | 0
Monday, July 25, 2016
9:52 AM | Edit Post
New tag featuring the pinup art of Elias Chatzoudis
& the matching Ib Elias Chatzoudis 51-2 Scrap
by Rebel Dezigns. She is ready to build
& has all of her tools at the build site.
Better listen to the sign or at least
wear your hat for protection.
Labels:CDO,EliasC.,Rebel Designz,Sexy | 0
Saturday, July 23, 2016
8:37 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the sexy art of Barbara Jensen
using her tube 82-2 High End. With her, I have
also used the scrap Fabulous by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Both are available at the store.
The high end life can certainly be fabulous
and she is enjoying it.
Labels:Jensen,Ladyhawwk,Sexy | 0
5:59 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful gothic
love scrap Happily Neverafter by Hungry Hill.
Her love has passed away before they could
be married. She cannot let go of
her one true love. For their love
shall transcend life & death &
travel into both realms.
Art by Selina Fenech
Labels:CDO,Gothic,Hungry Hill,Love,Selina Fenech | 0
Thursday, July 21, 2016
9:38 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Rebecca Sinz with her tube Stormy Seas.
With her, I have used the equally gorgeous
scrap Stormy Seas by Irish Princess Designs.
Create a perfect ocean scene for her to
sit & contemplate her thoughts. Her
mind is as chaotic as a stormy sea &
only being amidst the chaos will it still.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
10:08 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the adorable art of
Karen Middleton and the wonderful
scrap Peaches and Cream by Honored Scraps.
The color scheme comes alive with the scrap
& is the perfect accent to this unicorn.
You have to believe to find the elusive unicorn.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Fantasy,Honored Scraps | 0
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
12:01 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the brand new
attitude filled tube 82-3 Wild
Child by Barbara Jensen. With her, I
have used the scrap Sass by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Both are available here at the store. She exudes
attitude and lives life with a different perspective.
Why not talk to her & maybe see things
a little differently than you did before.
Labels:Attitude,Jensen,Ladyhawwk,Life | 0
11:51 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the brand new gorgeous
tube 82-1 Blue Sapphire by Barbara Jensen.
With her, I am also using the wonderful scrap
Breathless by Ladyhawwk Designs.You can find both
available for purchase at the store. She loves the
soft colors of nature's flowers during this time
of year.
Labels:Jensen,Ladyhawwk,Nature,Sexy | 0
Monday, July 18, 2016
10:31 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the art of
Creepie Cuties with her tube
Catching Stars. This mermaid is
visiting her starfish friends in
the lagoon. She doesn't quite
fit in with the other mermaids but
the starfish accept & welcome her.
Labels:Mermaids,Mystical Scraps,Ocean | 0
8:43 AM | Edit Post
New tag by me featuring the sensual
pin-up art of Dirk Richter & a wonderful
matching IB Dirk Richter 16-2 Scrap
by Rebel Dezigns. She excudes
sensuality as she waits
for her lover. Dressed in
their clothes, she can hardly contain
Labels:CDO,Rebel Designz,Sexy | 0
Saturday, July 16, 2016
9:08 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring the art of Anna Liwanag
& a gorgeous scrap If Wishes Were Fishes
by Hungry Hill. We have all heard the saying
If wishes were fishes, the world would be an ocean.
Well, it kinda is lol. Granted it isn't made up of wishes,
but of lots of wonderful animals. Come cast
your net in the water & see what
you can catch with it. The wallpaper
is 1920x1080 & available here.
Labels:CDO,Hungry Hill,Ocean,Wallpaper | 1 comments
Thursday, July 14, 2016
3:56 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of Anna Liwanag
& the scrap A Moment With You by Gimptastic Scraps.
Filled with touches of vintage, she focuses
on the moments that fill her life.What are
the moments that you treasure during your days?
Labels:CDO,Gimptastic,Life,Vintage | 0
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
3:50 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & timeline set featuring the
wonderful scrap Tropic Fever by
Chichi Designz. Travel to the
tropical islands as you create.
Imagine island breezes on you
as you walk on the beach.
Labels:Chichi,Ocean,Summer,Timeline | 0
11:08 AM | Edit Post
I wanted to illustrate my thoughts
on everything happening in our country lately.
We should embrace our differences
& accept each other - regardless of race.
People should not live in fear in our country
just because of their appearance, faith
or a language that they speak.
Once we stop seeing flaws in each other,
maybe, just maybe, we can discover some
pretty awesome people in one another.
Labels:Charity,Extras,Patriotic | 0
Monday, July 11, 2016
7:43 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the stunning tube
Star Light, Star Bright by Rebecca Sinz.
With the angel, I have used the matching
scrap Starlight by Irish Princess Designs.
She comes out at night to protect those
who roam the night skies. For the night
has its own dangers which only
she can offer guidance from.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
8:35 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of Mike Denning.
I am using his tube Bathtub.Isn't she beautiful?
With her, I have also used the scrap
Little Moments by Hungry Hill.
She pauses a moment from
pampering herself before dressing.
Labels:CDO,Hungry Hill,Mystical Scraps,Women | 0
Monday, July 4, 2016
10:27 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the stunning art of
Mélanie Delon using a past bonus tube
by her. I am also using the wonderful
scrap Enjoy Life by Gimptastic Scraps.
Make sure to enjoy your life as it
happens. Treasure the little moments
that make you smile and laugh.
Labels:CDO,Gimptastic,Life | 0
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