Wednesday, June 29, 2016
9:14 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the scrap Mountaineer
by Honored Scraps. Take time
each day to appreciate & enjoy
the little things in life. It is
the collection of moments that
make life worth living. When
joined with those we hold dear,
the moments become everything.
Labels:Honored Scraps,Life,Thoughts | 0
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
7:13 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic art of
Charles Bristow using his tube
Bombshell Emily. She is
ready to celebrate our country's
independence and the military
this 4th of July.
Be sure to thank our soldiers
as they help keep our country
safe & free.
Labels:Mystical Scraps,Patriotic | 0
12:19 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the awesome June 2016
Bonus tube by Dirk Richter. With her, I have used
the IB Dirk Richter June 2016 Scrap by Gimptastic Scraps.
Embrace what you love -even if it makes
you absolutely crazy. After all, not everyone
can follow the rules of society. Just make sure
you put all of your passion towards it.
Labels:CDO,Comic,Gimptastic | 0
11:29 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gorgeous art of
Barbara Jensen with her tube 81-2 Flower Power.
I have this beauty wishing everyone a
Happy Birthday using the scrap
Celebrate by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Both are available at the Barbara Jensen store.
Join the party while celebrating your
special day! She is sure to make
your day is lots of fun.
Labels:Cupcakes,Jensen,Ladyhawwk | 0
9:46 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of Anna Liwanag
& the IB Ana Neves 3-1 Scrap by Chichi Designz.
Is she waiting for her love or waiting
for something in the book? I think
she is eager to read what
happens next in her book.
Labels:CDO,Chichi,Women | 0
Saturday, June 25, 2016
9:36 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the beautiful art of Alena Lazareva
with her May 2016 Bonus tube.
With this dancing gypsy girl, I used the Bonus
IB Alena Lazareva May 2016 Scrap by Hungry Hill.
Announce the arrival of spring by
dancing amidst the flowers.
Magic comes alive in springtime as
Nature finds herself refreshed once again.
Labels:CDO,Hungry Hill,Spring | 0
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
6:33 PM | Edit Post
CT tag using the art of Barbara Jensen
with her tube 81-3 Satin Sleek.
I have paired this beauty with
the scrap Mellow by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Both are available at the Barbara Jensen store.
She pauses a moment in her walk outside.
Comfortable in her beauty & nature,
she simply enjoys the quiet of the moment.
Labels:Jensen,Ladyhawwk,Nature,Sexy | 0
4:20 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the art of
Keith Garvey and the
scrap Island Vows by
She is staying cool as she
spends time at the beach. She lives
for long days in the sand & surf.
Labels:Irish Princess Designs,Ocean,Summer | 0
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
9:22 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the Bonus tube
Plum Gorgeous by Barbara Jensen.
This sexy beauty is available until
July 1st at Midnight.
I have my sexy pirate on land
using the scrap Privateer by
Ladyhawwk Designs. Every pirate needs
to come on land from time to time.
Labels:Jensen,Ladyhawwk,Ocean,Summer | 0
8:06 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gothic art
of Rebecca Sinz with her tube Eternity.
With it, I have used the scrap
Time Passes By by Honored Scraps.
A gothic, vampire out at night.
Time for him is eternal for his kind.
Labels:Gothic,Honored Scraps,Rebecca Sinz | 0
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
8:34 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the gothic art of
Creepie Cuties with her tube Batnap.
Her bats have been napping. Now it is
time for them to wake and fly the
night sky. Under the light of the moon
they shall take to the night sky.
Labels:Gothic,Mystical Scraps | 0
7:47 PM | Edit Post
I did this tag last night as I was missing
my shadows. Been doing a lot of
colorful tags & I wanted something dark.
Tag uses the art of Verymany with their
Vampire tube. I also used the scrapkits
Broken & Broken II by Chichi Designz.
As the angel of the night, she had to be
killed to live forever.
Labels:Angel,Chichi,Gothic,Verymany | 0
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
9:57 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the art of Linda Biggs
& the matching IB Linda Biggs 11-3 Scrap
by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Fairies offer inspiration to those
who are willing to listen. The
wisdom of a fairy is special so
be sure to treasure it.

Fairies offer inspiration to those
who are willing to listen. The
wisdom of a fairy is special so
be sure to treasure it.

Labels:CDO,Fairy,Ladyhawwk | 0
3:07 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the beautiful art of Alena Lazareva
& the wonderful scrap Color With Love by Hungry Hill.
Love glows and colors reveal their vibrancy
as love surrounds them. We see things
brighter around us. Love
shows in our actions, words and
our moods.
Labels:CDO,Hungry Hill,Love | 0
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
3:53 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the stunning art of Jonathon Earl Bowser
& the scrap Love Song by Gimptastic Scraps.
Listen to the song that Love plays for you.
Each person hears a different tune.
For love whispers different things to
each soul in a song only they
can hear.
Labels:CDO,Extras,Gimptastic,Love | 0
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
9:51 PM | Edit Post
New timeline set by me using the art of
PinUp Toons & his June 2016 Bonus Tube.
With it, I am also using the matching
IB PinUp Toons June 2016 Scrap
by Rebel Dezigns. As I work
in a resort, I had to play with these.
Handle the messes life gives you
by cleaning them up.
Labels:CDO,Life,Rebel Designz,Timeline | 0
7:26 PM | Edit Post
CT wallpaper featuring art by Jessica Dougherty
& the IB Jessica Dougherty 30-2 Scrap by
Chichi Designz. Summer has definitely
arrived & she is getting an early start on
her beach time. She is making
the beach sizzle with her arrival.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080
& available here.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
11:29 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of
Rene Kunert & the gorgeous scrap
Shades Of Elegance by Honored Scraps.
A glimpse into her world as she
prepares to go out. What perfume
shall she spritz on today? Or perhaps
she is mentally contemplating the
rest of her day and the activities that
will fill it.
Labels:CDO,Honored Scraps,Rene Kunert,Women | 0
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
9:20 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art
of Rebecca Sinz. For my tag, I am
using her tube Summer.
She is ready for days at the beach
& laying in the sun. She always
brings home little treasures to
remind her of summer days.
Labels:Ocean,Rebecca Sinz,Summer | 0
6:37 PM | Edit Post
New tag by me using the sexy art of
Elias Chatzoudis & the matching IB
Elias Chatzoudis 24-2 Scrap by Rebel Dezigns.
She's been pulled up on the anchor.
I think she is wondering what they will
do now that they caught a mermaid.
Labels:CDO,EliasC.,Mermaids,Rebel Designz | 0
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