Tuesday, October 27, 2015
11:36 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Charles Bristow. I am using his tube Dori Ann; she is part of his Dead Dollies Series. I am also using the scrap Zombified by Honored Scraps. She is exploring the dark side with her friends.
Tonight the zombies come out to play
& the ghosts shall haunt you.
10:32 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the scrap Night Moods by Foxy's Designz.
The scrap has fantasy and nighttime feel to it.
She is about to cast a spell under the moonlight.
The magic shall surround her as her
feline companion walks amidst it.
Labels:CDO,Fantasy,Foxy's Designz,Magic,Moon | 0
Monday, October 26, 2015
5:52 PM | Edit Post
Random tag featuring art by Mélanie Delon &
the scrap Josee by Dees'Sign Depot.
She is missing someone close to her.
Yet the person remains
close to her heart & in her thoughts.
Labels:CDO,Dees"SIGN Depot,Love,Thoughts | 0
12:41 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring Creative Tubes by Crys art. I am using
her Autumn Witch tube- available at Mystical Scraps.
With Halloween approaching soon,
she is taking a look around to see
if there is more decorating to be done.
For everything must be right for
all the goblins and witches that will visit.
I paired the witch with the
scrap Brew Time by Dees'Sign Depot.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
11:34 AM | Edit Post
New tags & wallpaper by me featuring art by Zindy S.D. Nielsen.
I am using her tube Gone With The Wind.
I paired it with the wonderful scrap Remember When by Dees'Sign Depot.
An object, smell or sound can remind us of those
who have passed away. The memories come
flowing back as well as the emotions.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & available here.
Labels:Angel,Dees"SIGN Depot,Fall,Wallpaper,Zindy | 0
Friday, October 23, 2015
10:25 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Sheena Pike &
Cozy scrap by Hungry Hill.
The friends are spending time together
amidst the colors of autumn.
A tea party with their animal friends
is the perfect way to visit.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Fall,Hungry Hill | 0
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
4:08 PM | Edit Post
New wallpaper by me featuring art by Selina Fenech &
the scrap A Big Boo 2 U by Dees'Sign Depot.
It is a night of enchantment and the magic
shall be cast under the full moon.
Wear your enchantment wallpaper
here. It is size 1920x1080.
3:55 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the spooky scrap Spooksville by Babycakes.
A great scrap to design a fun or scary Halloween setting.
I only used elements of the scrap to create
a spooky scene.
Labels:BCS,CDO,Halloween | 0
7:37 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Rachel Anderson &
IB Rachel Anderson 1-1 Scrap by Babycakes.
A wonderful butterfly-winged fairy stands watch
over her realm and fellow winged creatures.
The colors of nature are reflected in her wings
& dress. It is during this time of year she shines
the brightest.
Labels:BCS,CDO,Fairy,Fall | 0
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
7:08 PM | Edit Post
a Happy Birthday. My birthday is
coming up in a couple days & wanted
to share this since we all have friends
to wish a happy birthday.
Labels:cupcake,Cupcakes,Dees"SIGN Depot,Extras,Presents | 0
Monday, October 19, 2015
7:47 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the monster tube Stitched by Rebecca Sinz.
She is a Frankenstieny monster. Will her stitches
give you a scare? Or will you say hi to her?
I wonder if she gives tricks or treats to visitors?
Labels:Halloween,Rebecca Sinz | 0
Sunday, October 18, 2015
8:48 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Enys Guerrero &
IB Enys Guerrero 19-1 Scrap by Rebel Dezigns.
She surrounds herself in the colors of
her eternal sadness. Her sadness shows
itself in pale colors.
Labels:CDO,Rebel Designz | 0
Saturday, October 17, 2015
12:23 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring Lightening tube by Rebecca Sinz
& matching Lightening scrap by Honored Scraps.
She is showing her power by demostrating
the lightening with her hands.
I cannot imagine the power of being
hit by the lightening bolts.
Labels:Fantasy,Honored Scraps,Rebecca Sinz | 0
Friday, October 16, 2015
7:12 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Rebecca Sinz using her tube Sunset
& the scrap Fairytale Endings by Dees'SIGN Depot.
Every mermaid deserves her own
fairytale ending as well. After all,
happy endings aren't just for princesses
Labels:Dees"SIGN Depot,Fantasy,Mermaids,Rebecca Sinz | 0
11:54 AM | Edit Post
Random tag featuring art by Selina Fenech &
the Simply Sylvan scrap by Dees'SIGN Depot.
I wanted to play and thought the two
fit wonderfully together. She is remembering
or pausing a moment to reflect on things to come.
Labels:Dees"SIGN Depot,Fairy,Selina Fenech | 0
9:30 AM | Edit Post
CT timeline set featuring art by Jasmine Becket-Griffith &
IB Jasmine Becket-Griffith 19-2 Scrap by Foxy's Designz.
This witch is ready to ride with her halloween treats.
Good luck having her share the candy with you.
Tonight is a magical night to ride her broom.
Labels:CDO,Foxy's Designz,Halloween,Timeline | 0
8:17 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Dave Nestler and
IB Dave Nestler 58-2 Scrap by Gimptastic Scraps.
She is a rocker girl and can't wait to rock out
to her favorite band. There is nothing like
hearing music live and moving to the music.
I wanted to show the tag with the black & white tube
& using the colored tube as well.
Labels:CDO,Gimptastic,Music | 0
Thursday, October 15, 2015
6:20 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Anna Marine &
IB Anna Marine 38-1 Scrap by Chichi Designz.
The light guides her as she walks among the darkness.
Comforted by its glow, she doesn't fear the shadows.
Labels:CDO,Chichi,Gothic | 1 comments
9:59 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Pinuptoons &
IB Karen Middleton Bonus July 2015 Scrap by Hungry Hill.
She is waiting by the well for her friends.
They are going out in the summer evening.
The well is a favorite meeting spot for everyone.
Labels:CDO,Cute,Hungry Hill,Summer | 0
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
9:29 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Clare Bertram &
the Autumn Blessings scrap by Honored Scraps.
Celebrate the bounty of autumn with this scrap.
With her wolf companion, she is ready to
enjoy the blessings of autumn.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Fall,Honored Scraps | 0
7:54 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the scrap Autumn Whispers by Rebel Dezigns.
The scrap is full of the subtle and vibrant hues of autumn;
and touched with vintage elements.
You can really create a wonderful autumn dreamland.
Just imagine seeing an autumn sunset in these colors.
Labels:CDO,Fall,Rebel Designz | 0
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