Monday, August 31, 2015
6:38 PM | Edit Post
Joint CT tag featuring Stargazer mermaid by Rebecca Sinz &
Stargazer scrap by Honored Scraps.
This mermaid is resting on the beach enjoying the nightsky.
Looking up at the stars she makes a wish.
Will her wish come true? We can only wonder what
it is that mermaid would wish for.
2:14 PM | Edit Post
CT tag using art by Maryline Cazenave &
IB Maryline Cazenave 14-1 scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
IB Maryline Cazenave 14-1 scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
This adorable pup is ready for fall & Halloween .
Doesn't she look ready to help harvest the pumpkins and
decorate for Halloween.?
Come help at CDO.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
7:34 PM | Edit Post
Random tag featuring art by Selina Fenech
using her Enchanted Kiss tube.
Spice Medley scrap by Dees'SIGN Depot
A romantic fall scene with a knight and
his fairy maiden. Is it a parting kiss or
a kiss of reuniting?
Labels:Dees"SIGN Depot,Fall,Love,Selina Fenech | 0
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
10:53 AM | Edit Post
Guest CT tag & wallpaper featuring the wonderful Nostalgia scrap by Gothic Inspirations.
This scrap has elements of fantasy & gothic in it.
As with our memories are tinged with happiness
and darker moments, so is this scrap.
The wallpaper is 1920x1080 & available here
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
8:36 PM | Edit Post
Art by Molly Harrison
Animation 440 by Rebel Designz in Animation Pack 146
IB Scrap Molly Harrison 140-1 by Rebel Designz
Animation 440 by Rebel Designz in Animation Pack 146
IB Scrap Molly Harrison 140-1 by Rebel Designz
The watercolor beauty is letting her true & beautiful colors shine.
The colors are painted all around her and she
is ready to sparkle.
Find your sparkle & let it shine.
Labels:Animation,CDO,Fantasy,Rebel Designz | 0
Monday, August 24, 2015
1:26 PM | Edit Post
Random tag today featuring art by Zindy - using her tube
The Girl Of Hearts. I am also using the beautiful About A Girl
scrap by Dees'SIGN Depot.
The sweet girl is indulging herself with some self spoiling.
By taking time to treat herself, it nurtures
both the inner and outer beauty.
Every woman should have ways to
indulge themselves and be pampered.
Labels:Dees"SIGN Depot,Girly,Vintage,Zindy | 0
Sunday, August 23, 2015
4:25 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Gabi Spree &
matching scrapkit Got Java? by Wicked Princess Scraps.
You can purchase both in a bundle at TPP.
She is enjoying a cup of coffee at her
favorite cafe. She even managed to
get her favorite seat by the window.
Come on in for a cup of your own.
Labels:Food,Guest CT,TPP,Wicked Princess | 0
Saturday, August 22, 2015
4:08 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Steve Baier & the wonderful
Love Lingers scrap by Hungry Hill.
The beauty is playing a familar tune
which brings back memories of past
times and past loves in her life.
Yet while the memories may make her nostalgic but
she realizes she is better of without them.
Find yours at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Fall,Hungry Hill,Love | 0
10:02 AM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring art by Creepie Cuties.
I am using her tube Autumn Mischeif, available at Mystical Scraps.
This witch is right at home on Halloween being spooky.
She can't wait to light up the pumpkins and light
the way to her house of spooks. She has her magical friends
to help create the illusion this year. Oh I can only imagine
the fun they will cause.
Labels:Halloween,Mystical Scraps | 0
Friday, August 21, 2015
7:17 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Zindy &
1/2 of the wonderful Ocean Breeze scrap collab.
I am using the part by Honored Scraps.
She is sitting in her boat enjoying the ocean.
The waves are gently rocking the boat as she looks out
towards the shore.
Labels:Honored Scraps,Ocean,Treasured Scraps,Zindy | 0
10:36 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the tube The Harvest by Rebecca Sinz.
This poor witch has seen many harvests and halloweens over the years.
She is looking rather tattered and has been patched to keep going.
She is feeling a bit cranky.
Labels:Fall,Halloween,Rebecca Sinz | 0
8:43 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the August 2015 Fluff Bonus Tube &
the matching IB Fluff August 2015 Bonus Scrap by Tasha's Playground.
This adorable girl is dolling herself up and enjoying her cupcake at the same time.
I think it helps make her even sweeter. I wonder what
mischeif she will cause when she goes out?
A girl this dolled up is sure to turn some heads.
Join her at CDO.
Labels:CDO,cupcake,Cupcakes,Cute,Girly,Tasha's Playground | 0
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
1:55 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Enys Guerrero & the IB Enys Guerrero August 2015 Bonus Tube
Scrap by Hungry Hill. Both the tube and scrap truly capture the whimsical feel of
Wonderland. I do believe this Alice might be a bit more mad though. I think
she has spent too much time roaming with Mad Hatter
& the Cheshire cat. Just look at her. No no she isn't right at all.
She will need some tea & cakes quickly now.
Come experience her wonderland at CDO.
The wallpaper is available in size 1920x1080
Download here.
Labels:CDO,Fantasy,Hungry Hill,Wallpaper | 1 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
7:45 PM | Edit Post
New wallpapers featuring the adorable pinups of Art © Fluff, Inc
& two tube scrap bundles featuring matching scraps by
Foxy's Designz & Honored Scraps.
Fluff has such adorable pinups, mermaids & cupcakes in her art.
And the bundle scraps are perfect compliments to the tubes.
Come see them at CDO.
Cupcake Pinup Wallpaper 1920x1080 here
Mermaid Wallpapers
1920x1080 here
1366x768 here
Monday, August 17, 2015
7:24 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Joanne Schempp &
the BOO2U Scrap by TKDezigns.
This witch is getting ready
to do a different style of haunting soon.
She isn't your typical scary witch &
haunts in her own way.
Come BOO with her at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Halloween,TKDezigns | 0
1:12 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Thomas Hoover &
IB Thomas Hoover 6-2 Scrap by Foxy's Designz.
A very sexy pinup nurse is ready to help you feel better.
She will give you a wonderful view while
taking your temperature/ Of course, it may
raise your blood pressure while she is doing that.
Come see the nurse at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Foxy's Designz,Sexy | 0
Sunday, August 16, 2015
8:46 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of Sheena Pike & the La Provence scrap by Chichi Designz.
A blossom beauty is exploring beautiful Provence! She is surrounded by the fragrances of herself and those of the lavender of Provence. Take a deep breath and maybe you can
catch the scents on the air. One can get lost in the colors that
come alive as well. Explore at CDO.
5:32 PM | Edit Post
New wallpaper by me today featuring art by Zindy
& a wonderful scrap called Sentimental Journey by Kissing Kate.
I chose to do a reflective & thoughtful theme wallpaper.
She is walking on a fall afternoon, lost in thoughts
& memories of another day, or another time.
We all have our times when we can get lost in our own memories.
The wallpaper is available in two sizes.
1920x1080 here
1366x768 here
Labels:Kissing Kate,Thoughts,Wallpaper,Zindy | 1 comments
11:43 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the amazing art of Michael Calandra &
IB Michael Calandra 26-3 Scrap by Rebel Dezigns.
The scrap is the perfect compliment to the tube.
This native beauty is at home among her
animal friends & the vintage elements.
There is a wildness that seeps out of her
and it helps define her. There is no
taming her spirit.
Find your wild at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Fantasy,Rebel Designz | 0
Friday, August 14, 2015
8:22 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring art by Anna Liwanag & Concetta Kilmer.. I also used
the IB Concetta Kilmer 18-2 Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
I couldn't decide which tube I liked better so I have two examples.
I love the western theme of the scrap. Lots of adventures can be had
on a ranch. Riding horses, roping and herding cattle, the adventures are endless.
Come find your adventure at CDO.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Ladyhawwk,Western | 0
Thursday, August 13, 2015
4:15 PM | Edit Post
CT Tag featuring Art by Clare Bertram
Bonus tube IB Clare Bertram August 2015 Scrap by Rebel Dezigns
Animation 419 from Animation Pack 139 by Rebel Dezigns
The cat knows secrets of another time. A time when mythical creatures knew
myths and legends to be truth. Listen closely and you may hear the whisper of
a secret spoken only to those who care to listen and believe. For a touch of magic
can be found if you look in the right places.
Labels:Animals,Animation,CDO,Fantasy,Pagan,Rebel Designz | 0
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