Thursday, July 30, 2015
11:02 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring Cluster Pack 6 by Rebel Dezigns.
These are two very fun and unique clusters. Each cluster
comes in layers which allows you to move elements around.
There is also one paper in the pack which you can use with
each cluster. The clusters are fun & great for
quick tags. You can find them at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Cluster Frame,Rebel Designz | 0
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
9:57 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring
Art by René Kunert
IB Scrap René Kunert 2-2 by Schnegge
IB Scrap René Kunert 2-2 by Schnegge
The performance has ended and the stars
are relaxing backstage afterwards. They have yet to
change out of costume and listening to the audience leave
the theater. Only the resident cat knows where to find them.
Come find their theater at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Rebel Designz,Women | 1 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
8:13 PM | Edit Post
Today I used the Cluster Pack 5 by Hungry Hill.
It comes with two cluster frames and a paper.
Each cluster comes with the elements in layers.
This allows you to use as is or play around
with each frame. This pack has two
very elegant clusters in it & can
be purchased at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Cluster Frame,Hungry Hill | 1 comments
Monday, July 27, 2015
12:36 PM | Edit Post
2 Guest CT tags featuring art by Rachael Tallamy here
Arthur Crowe here
& Moon Rise scrap by Gothic Inspirations.
As a celestial spirit myself, I was drawn to this scrap.
It really does embrace being outside under the light of the moon.
I have always been connected to the moon my whole life.
It reaches my soul in a way I cannot describe.
Labels:Fantasy,Gothic,Gothic Inspirations,Guest CT,Moon | 1 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2015
5:10 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Verymany here &
a wonderful scrap called Loves Embrace by Wicked Princess Scraps.
She is waiting for her prince to come tonight.
A night of romance has been promised to her.
His favorite color is blue and she is wearing the outfit
he loves her in.
Labels:Guest CT,Love,Wicked Princess | 0
2:44 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Tunchy, available at Mystical Scraps.
I also used the scrap Summer Wine by Hungry Hill, available at CDO.
This beauty is walking through the vineyards testing to see
if the grapes are ready to harvest. The grapes have to be
just right to make the perfect wine.
Labels:CDO,Food,Hungry Hill,Mystical Scraps | 1 comments
Friday, July 24, 2015
3:30 PM | Edit Post
Ct tag featuring artwork by PinUpToons &
IB PinUpToons 216-3 Scrap by Foxys Designz.
The young lady is very shabby in her design &
has made a bit of a mess in getting ready to go out.
Her dog is just watching her with amusement.
I wonder if she is going to school, a date or maybe
just meeting some friends.
Find her and the the scrap at CDO.
Labels:Anime,CDO,Cute,Foxy's Designz | 0
9:14 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the magical art of Amy Brown
& IB Amy Brown 105-3 Scrap by Honored Scraps.
The fairy is in her thinking spot of the magic realm.
She is lost deep in thought on her perch.
Surrounded by flowers and her cat, she is sure
to complete her thinking here.
Come explore her spot at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Fairy,Honored Scraps,Thoughts | 0
9:10 AM | Edit Post
Ct tag featuring fantastic art of Molly Harrison & the
wonderful Summer Wine scrap by Hungry Hill.
This beauty has been enjoying the winery
& exploring the vineyards as she sips her glass.
Is she exploring Napa Valley or perphaps the
vineyards in Italy? I wonder if she perfers
red or white wine on a summer evening.
Come find your vineyard at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Food,Hungry Hill,Summer | 0
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
3:21 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring
Art by TheVintageAngel™
Scrap World of Dreams by Rebel Dezigns
Animation 22 by Rebel Dezigns -Animation Pack 8
Scrap World of Dreams by Rebel Dezigns
Animation 22 by Rebel Dezigns -Animation Pack 8
All can be found at CDO.
The angel has been dreaming of times paste and
has collected vintage reminders of the dreams and
times she has visited. It appears she is quite fond of
the steampunk era.
Labels:Angel,Animation,CDO,Dreams,Rebel Designz,Steampunk | 0
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
8:54 PM | Edit Post
CT tag using the gothic scrapkit Inner Darkness by Honored Scraps. It is about the darkness
everyone has inside them. The point where you are so far down & surrounded by the darkness
that it is hard to find the light. Do you embrace the shadows
or do you let them consume you? It can be very hard to
fight your way back to the light.
Fight your darkness at Treasured Scraps.
Labels:Gothic,Honored Scraps,Tresured Scraps | 0
2:06 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring beautiful art of Barbara Jensen - CDO Exclusive 4.
IB Scrap Barbara Jensen Exclusive 4 by Ladyhawwk Designs.
The beautiful goddess is at peace in her gardens of spring.
Surrounded by the fragrant flowers, she cannot resist wearing
the fallen leaves and petals. A gentle breeze and a new scent
of the flowers dances by making her smile.
Come visit her at CDO.
Monday, July 20, 2015
12:32 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring pinup art of Ted Hammond &
the scrap Inked by Babycakes.
The sexy pinup is showing her attitude along with
her tattoo ink. She is proud of the ink she wears
and dares anyone to have a problem with it or
with herself. For someone who truly embraces her,
she will be worth everything.
Find your ink at CDO.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
1:27 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Cuddly Rigor Mortis &
a scrap Seascape by Rebel Dezigns.
The otter is playing in the sea with friends.
You can imagine the adventures they can have
while splashing in the waves.
Come feel the sand in your toes at CDO.
1920x1200 here
1920x1080 here
Labels:Animals,CDO,Nature,Ocean,Rebel Designz | 0
9:58 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Rene Kunert &
IB Rene Kunert 15-1 Scrap by Rebel Dezigns.
The beauty has been drawn to life &
is waiting on someone to discover her.
Draw back her hair and reveal her face.
Let her find the treasures tucked in around her.
You can find everything at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Rebel Designz | 0
Saturday, July 18, 2015
7:34 PM | Edit Post
Art by The Vintage Angel™ here
Scrap In My Circle by Dees'SIGN Depot here
We all have close dear friends who are like family to us.
The scrap embraces and celebrates the friendships that
are our circles. The support system we turn to
in times of struggle and crisis, or to laugh and smile.
I have done a wallpaper with the scrap &
it is available for d/l in three sizes
1920x1080 here
1366x768 here
Labels:CDO,Dees"SIGN Depot,Family,Friends,Vintage,Wallpaper,Words | 1 comments
2:58 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring art by Linda Biggs & Ib Linda Biggs 22-3 Scrap by Ladyhawwk Designs.
Our coastal area recently had an oil spill. I wanted to do this tag because of the local spill. The oil spills are always so sad and devastating to the environments experiencing them. We drove by the spill a week or so after it happened and the oil smell was very strong.
Thank you to all the volunteers and workers who help rescue the animals in the spill.
It is a collective effort to take care of the planet.
You can find everything at CDO.
9:10 AM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring art my Amy Brown &
IB Amy Brown 106-2 Scrap by Honored Scraps.
The fairy is sharing a moment with her old friend
the ruby gryphon. Together, the two friends
are reminiscing of times past.
Listen in on their conversation at CDO.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Fairy,Fantasy,Honored Scraps | 0
Friday, July 17, 2015
8:21 PM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring art by Enamorte
& Scrap Heart Of The Ocean by Creative Crazy Scraps.
She is a jewel of the ocean and holds the ocean animals dear to her heart.
With a swish of her hands she can change the ocean waters and the
animals are safe from danger.
Swim in your oceans at CDO.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
5:29 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the magical art of Alena Lazareva & the wonderful vintage feel scrap This And That by Ladyhawwk Designs. I want to step into the tag and listen to the music being played. The setting of the gorgeous flowers and vintage treasures have inspired the mermaid to play beautiful music.
I imagine she is playing a timeless piece that can travel through all time periods.
Listen closely before she disappears behind the doorway to CDO.
2:37 PM | Edit Post
Guest CT tag featuring the cute and fun scrap Moving Along by Wicked Princess Scraps.
This scrap is all about road trips, car repair & road construction.
Everyday obstacles we might experience while on the road.
You can find the scrap at TPP for purchase.
Labels:Anime,Cute,Guest CT,Wicked Princess | 0
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