Tuesday, December 30, 2014
1:23 PM | Edit Post
New wallpaper featuring the adorable art of Maryline Cazenave, which you can find at CDO. I combined it with the wonderful PTU scrap Lis The Fairy by BLT DeZignZ. This scrap has such a whimsical & spring feel to it.You can find the scrap & others here.
The first wallpaper is 1366x768. You can download it here.
The second wallpaper is 1600x900.
Here is a preview of the scrap I used on the wallpaper.
Labels:Animals,BLT DeZignZ,CDO,Spring,Wallpaper | 1 comments
11:49 AM | Edit Post
A new wallpaper featuring art by Zindy S.D. Nielsen. I am using her two tubes Winter Rose and The Girl of Hearts. I paired them with the wonderfully sweet PTU Scrap Soft Angelic by BLT DeZignZ. This scrap has lots of girly, sweet and angelic themed elements in it.You can find her scraps here.
The first one is size 1366x768.Download Here
The second one is size 1600x900. Download Here
Here is a preview of the scrap I used as well.
Labels:Angel,BLT DeZignZ,cupcake,Cupcakes,Cute,Girly,Wallpaper,Zindy | 0
10:51 AM | Edit Post
A brand new wallpaper featuring art by Verymany, available for purchase here. I paired it with the PTU scrap Nighttime Plush by BLTDeZignZ. You can find this scrap & others by her here. I love stuff animal friends & we all need some comforting now & then. I tried to capture that feeling in these wallpapers.
This one is size 1600x900.
This one is 1366x768.
& here is a preview of the scrap I used. I really like this one.
Labels:Animals,BLT DeZignZ,Vintage,Wallpaper | 1 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2014
12:16 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the December 2014 Bonus tube by Alicia Mujica, formerly of CDO.. Nothing like a mermaid during winter to help chase away the winter blahs don't you think?I paired her with the wonderful PTU Scuba Do -AMDec2014BT scrap. by Hungry Hill. This scrap is such a cute and wonderful nautical themed kit. It perfectly compliments the bonus tube.Definitely will help you give this mermaid a great place to play. You can find the scrap at CDO in the previously released scrap section.
Labels:Alicia Mujica,CDO,Hungry Hill,Mermaids | 0
11:23 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the PTU scrap Puttin' On The Glitz by Hungry Hill. This scrap is very glitzy and definitely ready to party in the New Year. It comes complete with champagne and piano to keep everyone dancing and celebrating throughout the night.You can purchase this scrap at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Happy New Year,Hungry Hill | 0
9:45 AM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring the festive PTU IB scrap Jennifer Janesko 131-2 by Honored Scraps.This scrap is perfect for all the bling, glam & festivities of celebrating the New Year. You can purchase it at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Happy New Year,Honored Scraps | 0
Saturday, December 20, 2014
11:21 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful PTU exclusive art of Alicia Mujica. I am pairing it with the festive PTU IB scrap Alicia Mujica Exclusive 9B by Rebel Dezigns. I am also using an animation out of the
animaiton pack 145 by Rebel Dezigns. All 3 come together to create a magical & festive design just perfect for your digital holiday designs. You can find everything available at CDO for purchase.
This girl is ready to deliver all the presents she has for her special people.
Note: The artist has left CDO and this scrap is not currently available.
Note: The artist has left CDO and this scrap is not currently available.
Friday, December 19, 2014
4:51 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful PTU art of Alicia Mujica. I am pairing it with the PTU IB Scrap Alicia Mujica Exclusive 9C by Honored Scraps. The scrap is the perfect compliment to the tube.
Being a celestial lover myself, I absolutely love these.Both are available for purchase at CDO.
Note: The artist has left CDO and this scrap isn't available anymore.
Note: The artist has left CDO and this scrap isn't available anymore.
Labels:Alicia Mujica,CDO,Honored Scraps,Moon | 0
3:30 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the beautiful PTU scrap Softly by Hungry Hill. This scrap is very feminine, girly and romantic in the elements and colors of it. There is also a touch of vintage as well. Imagine a beautiful lady pampering and dressing for an important romantic encounter. Or perhaps a little girl watching her mom take care as she dresses - dreaming of one day doing such things herself. You can purchase this wonderful scrap at CDO for your digital decorating needs.
Labels:CDO,Children,Cute,Girly,Hungry Hill,Vintage | 0
2:23 PM | Edit Post
Today I made 2 wallpapers featuring a past Cuddly Rigor Mortis bonus tube. You can find other PTU tubes by the artist available at CDO for purchase.In addition, I am using the wonderfully delicious and adorable PTU scrap Hot Cocoa Kisses by Monti's Scraps. I have a laptop now so I did two wallpaper sizes. I love the scrap. It is so cute & has some very yummy elements in it.
Scrapkit Preview
Labels:CDO,Christmas,Wallpaper | 0
12:05 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the PTU scrap Wine & Roses by Honored Scraps. This scrap has a gothic theme with touches of fantasy in it.You can find it at Digital Chaos & Treasured Scraps for purchase.
It will work great for your gothic or dark fairytale tags.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
5:47 PM | Edit Post
New PTU timeline coming soon to the AmyMarie store. The timeline is done using the PTU scrap Lavender Roses. This scrap is done in purples and blacks. Its a very girly themed scrap. The timeline & scrap are perfect for all of your digital decorating which you need to do. Scrap is already available and timeline will be soon.
Labels:Amy Marie,Girly,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
4:09 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful PTU art of Cuddly Rigor Mortis. I am using it in combination with the PTU scrap Holiday Wishes by Abstract Creations. It is a cute & festive scrap to help you decorate your tags. You can find the tube & scrap both available at CDO for purchase.
Labels:Abstract,CDO,Christmas | 0
9:17 AM | Edit Post
2 CT tags featuring the wonderful PTU scrap New Years Day by Hungry Hill. This scrap is a refreshing change from most New Years theme kits. It reminds me of starting the year fresh, anew. Wash away the old & start again. After all, isn't that what the new year is about? You can find this scrap available for purchase at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Hungry Hill,New Years | 0
Monday, December 15, 2014
1:34 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the beautiful PTU scrap Christmas Frost by Foxy's Designz. This scrap embraces the chilly side of Christmas & Winter in the colors and elements. Even if you don't get snow,which we don't, you will feel like you do with this scrapkit. You can purchase it here.
Labels:Christmas,Foxy's Designz,Winter | 0
Sunday, December 14, 2014
8:46 PM | Edit Post
2 CT tags featuring the beautiful PTU pinup art of Sonia Roji & the wonderful PTU IB scrap Sonia Roji 11-1 by Ladyhawwk Designs. I love the combination & colors of each of these. You can really have fun creating a setting for the tube. Both can be found at CDO for purchase.
Labels:CDO,Christmas,Ladyhawwk,Sexy | 0
Saturday, December 13, 2014
8:53 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring a wonderful PTU scrap collab portion called Loving Hearts. The full collab can be found at Whisprd Designz and contains 18 parts. For my tag, I am using the collab part by Honored Scraps. It is a wonderful scrap & perfect for love & Valentine's Day themed tags.
4:08 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful PTU scrap A Very Minty Christmas by Honored Scraps. You can purchase this scrap at CDO. It is a nice mix of nature themed elements and yummy elements as well to fit the name.A great change from the usual holiday scrapkits.
Labels:CDO,Christmas,Honored Scraps | 0
Friday, December 12, 2014
7:34 PM | Edit Post
I love this tube by Dirk Richter. I love how she is coming to life from a sculpture and breaking free in a way. I gave her a beautiful art -inspired setting with the matching IB scrap Dirk Richter 14-3 by Hungry Hill. It is the perfect setting for her. Together they remind me of the master sculptors which lived long ago and created wonderful pieces. You can find both the tube & scrap available at CDO for purchase.
Labels:CDO,Hungry Hill,Women | 0
Thursday, December 11, 2014
9:59 PM | Edit Post
New PTU timeline set featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Winter Love by AmyMarie. Timeline set will be available soon in her store as well. It s a great love & girly themed scrap & timeline.
7:44 PM | Edit Post
3 new CT wallpapers featuring the beautiful PTU art of Melissa Dawn. I am using it in combination with the wonderful PTU scrap HoHoHo mini by Hungry Hill. You can find both available at CDO for purchase. They are perfect for your digital decorating. The wallpapers are posted below
under each size. Merry snagging!
Labels:CDO,Children,Christmas,Hungry Hill,Wallpaper | 2
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