Sunday, November 30, 2014
7:52 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the fantastic PTU art of Enamorte. I am using it in combination with a PTU Ib Scrap Enamorte 33-2 b Rebel Dezigns. You can find both the tube & scrap at CDO for purchase. I love how well the scrap compliments the tube.
Labels:CDO,Music,Rebel Designz | 0
1:00 PM | Edit Post
Two new timelines featuring the wonderful PTU scraps Christmas Angels & O What Fun, both by AmyMarie. The scraps are currently available at her store, and the timelines will be soon.
Both the scraps and the timelines are perfect for digitally decorating for the holidays.
They will make everything festive for you!
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Saturday, November 29, 2014
8:40 PM | Edit Post
Two new timelines featuring the PTU scraps SugarCane & Blue Christmas. Both are wonderful holiday themed scraps. The timelines, along with the scraps, will be available at the
AmyMarie store soon. The scraps and the timelines are a great way to
digitally decorate for the holidays.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
11:55 AM | Edit Post
Three new PTU Christmas timelines!! All three timelines will be available soon at the
Amymarie's Scrap store. I used the PTU scraps Falalala, Pepper Christmas & Be Merry;
which are all available in the store as well.
All will help you digitally decorate for Christmas.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Monday, November 24, 2014
5:25 PM | Edit Post
Timeline preview featuring the PTU scrap Elves by Amymarie. This is a very sweet and cute Christmas scrap. You can find it available in her store. The scrap is already available and the timeline will be shortly.Christmas doesn't happen without help from a lot of elves for sure.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
2:01 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & timeline preview featuring the PTU scrap Christmas Old by Amymarie. This is a beautiful vintagey Christmas themed scrap. It will remind you of "old world" type holidays. The timeine will be available soon at her store & the scrap is currently available.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
2:59 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & timeline preview which both feature the PTU scrap Winter Magic by AmyMarie. The timeline will be available soon in her store. I love how this scrap embraces winter & Christmas in the theme of it. The colors are teal, golds and whites... perfect to celebrate the season. You can find everything in her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
10:48 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & Timeline preview featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Christmas Joy by Amymarie. This is a great Christmas themed scrap loaded with lots of cute festive elements. You can find everything in her store. If the timeline is not available yet, it will be soon.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Saturday, November 22, 2014
8:10 PM | Edit Post
CT wallpaper featuring magical PTU art of Rachel Anderson. I am using it in combination with the fantastic PTU scrap Delicate Romance by Ladyhawwk Designs. The scrap has such a vintage and romantic feel to it.You can find the tube and scrap available at CDO for purchase. The wallpaper I made is size 1600x900 in size. I hope you enjoy it!
4:11 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & wallpaper featuring magical art of Janna Prosvirina. I am using it in combination with the wonderful PTU scrap Bathing In The Moonlight by Honored Scraps. The scrap creates a wonderful setting for the tube. You can find both available at Digital Chaos for purchase. The scrap is also available at Treasured Scraps as well. Being a moon lover myself, I was in heaven with these creations. I would love to change places and be in the water, under the moonlight myself.
The wallpaper is size 1600x900.
1:58 PM | Edit Post
I just love the robot pack Rene Kunert put out! Aren't they just the cutest?? You can find them available for purchase at CDO, along with others by her. The robots are so neat & different.
You can really have a lot of fun with them in tags.
I tried to show a variety of ways to use them in the few tags I did.
Labels:CDO,Rebel Designz,Robot,Tech | 0
9:41 AM | Edit Post
CT preview of a coming soon PTU timeline set featuring the wonderful & elegant PTU scrap Elizabeth's Christmas by Amy Marie.This scrap has a festive and elegant feel to it with colors and elements. You can find everything in her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Friday, November 21, 2014
5:03 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the magical art of Janna Prosvirina, from Digital Chaos. I am using her art with the matching PTU scrap Sidhe by Honored Scraps. This scrap matches the tube just perfectly. I love the colors and elements found in it. You can create just the perfect setting for the tube. You can find the scrap at Digital Chaos, or Treasured Scraps for purchase.I love how both create such a romantic
and fantasy feel together.
3:35 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the magical art of Amy Brown. In addition, I am setting the dragon with the matching PTU IB Amy Brown 37-1 by Foxy's Designz. You can find both the tube and scrap available at CDO for purchase.Every Christmas needs the magic of a dragon I think.
Labels:Animals,CDO,Christmas,Fantasy,Foxy's Designz | 0
1:59 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the sexy pinup art of Amy Matthews. I paired her art with a stunning PTU scrap Tra La by Hungry Hill.I love the scrap colors & the festive feel of it. You can find her art and the scrap at CDO for purchase.
Labels:CDO,Christmas,Hungry Hill | 0
Thursday, November 20, 2014
2:21 PM | Edit Post
Two new PTU timelines coming soon to the Amymarie store. I used the PTU scraps A Frosty Christmas & Christmas Sparkle. The scraps are very festive and also available for purchase. The timelines and scraps are guaranteed to put you in the holiday mindset.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
7:00 PM | Edit Post
A wonderful PTU scrap celebrating Christmas Eve. Defintely perfect for such a festive occassion. I made a PTU timeline set which will be available soon at the store.
Be sure to pick it up if you love Christmas.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
8:05 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & preview of a PTU timeline set available soon featuring the PTU scrap Santa's Lady by AmyMarie. This is a colorful, fun and festive holiday themed scrap. You can find the scrap and other timelines available in her store.The scrap comes with a wonderful tube by Stella Felice.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Monday, November 17, 2014
4:12 PM | Edit Post
CT preview of a coming soon PTU timeline featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Holiday Things.
You can find the scrap and other timelines at the Amymarie store.
Dress up your facebook & your tags with her goodies.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
2:32 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the fantastic PTU art of Alicia Mujica. For these tags, I am using her new beauty Zoe.You can find her in Alicia's store. I love how diverse the Zoe tube is. I can see her being used in such a variety of tags.
Labels:Alicia Mujica | 0
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