Friday, October 31, 2014
6:49 PM | Edit Post
A beautiful PTU scrap done in shades of purples and golds.It has an elegant feel with the colors and elements found in it. The scrap is called Holiday Hues and is by Amy Marie. Along with the CT tag, there is a soon to be released timeline set using the scrap as well. You can find scrap & timelines at her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
2:45 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the wonderful PTU art of Alicia Mujica. For these, I am using the tube October by her. It is a fabulous fall themed tube. You can purchase it at her store.
Labels:Alicia Mujica,Fall | 0
2:18 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Peacock Christmas. This scrap is done in greens, blues and purples - colors you would find on a peacock feather. It really is a great holiday scrap. There is also a soon to be released PTU timeline set done with the scrap. You can find the scrap & other timelines available at AmyMarie's store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Thursday, October 30, 2014
3:07 PM | Edit Post
A stunning winter themed PTU scrap. This scrap really embraces and captures the feeling of winter. The colors are wonderfully muted. The elements really allow you to celebrate wintertime. It is releasing tomorrow at CDO as part of their Scrap Friday release.
Scrap: Winterglow by Hungry Hill
Labels:Animals,CDO,Hungry Hill,Winter | 0
9:28 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful art of Deanna Bach-Talsma. You can find this gothic tube and others by her at ADI. This tube works great with Halloween or just gothic style tags.
She will help you find your inner darkside!!
Labels:ADI,Gothic,Halloween | 0
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
5:02 PM | Edit Post
This scrap is a mix of yummy and adorable with all the gingerbread & baking themed elements. A perfect scrap to put you in the mood for some holiday baking. I know I am looking forward to it with my kids. I have a CT tag and a preview of a soon to be released PTU timeline. Both feature the PTU scrap Gingie by AmyMarie.
9:52 AM | Edit Post
This scrap really captures the feeling of a Country Christmas. I love all the wonderful elements in it. There is defintely holiday magic in the scrap. i have a tag & preview of a soon to be released PTU timeline using the scrap. You can find it at Amy Marie's store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
7:56 PM | Edit Post
Every Christmas season needs reindeer & Rudolph doesn't it?? And how about one for the friend of Rudolph's??? I love the original claymation movie based on the reindeer. I watch it every year. Okay enough of that. Here is the CT tag by me & the preview for the soon to be available PTU timeline set using the scrap, Clarice, by Amy Marie.
9:51 AM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the yummy & sweet PTU scrap Christmas Dessert by AmyMarie. There is also a preview of the PTU timeline set which will be available soon as well. A great way to dress up your Facebook profiles this holiday season. You can find the scrap at her store.Don't we all love eating sweets during the holidays??
Monday, October 27, 2014
8:35 PM | Edit Post
Magical CT tag featuring PTU art of Tiffany Toland-Scott
IB Scrap Tiffany Toland-Scott 35-3 by Tasha's Playground
Animation by Rebel Dezigns from Package 2
All are available for purchase at CDO.
IB Scrap Tiffany Toland-Scott 35-3 by Tasha's Playground
Animation by Rebel Dezigns from Package 2
All are available for purchase at CDO.
I love the fairy magic the combination of the 3 create.
Labels:Animation,CDO,Fairy,Rebel Designz | 0
7:17 PM | Edit Post
CT tag & PTU timeline set featuring the chilly PTU scrap Frozen by Amy Marie. Even if you are not in winter season, this scrap will make you feel like you are playing in the snow. The colors are cool and calming and perfect for winter creations. It is available at her store, along with the timeline set shortly.
10:02 AM | Edit Post
CT tag & preview of PTU timeline featuring the gorgeous PTU scrap Love Christmas by AmyMarie. This scrap really embraces and showcases Christmas.With this scrap, you really feel the holiday come to life. You can purchase the scrap at her store, and the timeline set will be available soon as well.
Labels:Amy Marie,Christmas,Timeline,Timelines | 0
Thursday, October 23, 2014
2:29 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the beautiful PTU scrap Minty Winter by AmyMaries. This scrap is done in shades of white and mint green. It has lots of winter & Christmas themed elements in it. There is also a PTU timeline set coming soon as well. Both can be found at her store.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
9:07 PM | Edit Post
Since its my birthday tomorrow, I decided I wanted a cupcake wallpaper. Can you believe I had not made one before now?? I had to fix that lol. For the wallpaper, I used the amazing PTU art of Rebecca Sinz & the matching PTU scrap Cupcakes by Foxys Designz. Both can be found
at Digital Chaos for purchasing. The wallpaper is 1600x900 in size. I just love the whimsical feel of this wallpaper.
8:04 PM | Edit Post
Monday, October 20, 2014
5:31 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the rocking PTU art of Rossana Castellino. I am also using an equally rocking PTU IB Scrap Rossana Castellino 12-1 by Schnegge.You can find both full of attitude for purchase at CDO.
Labels:Attitude,CDO,Emo,Schnegge | 0
3:14 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the awesome art of Enamorte. I am using a past bonus tube of hers. This one was from October 2012. I am also using the IB Scrap Enamorte October 2012 Bonus Tube by Abstract Creations. The scrap is the perfect setting for this awesome witch tube. You can find the scrap and other tubes by Enamorte available at CDO.
Labels:Abstract,CDO,Halloween | 0
Sunday, October 19, 2014
4:13 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the awesome PTU art of Martin Abel. I am also using the PTU IB scrap Martin Abel 43-1 by Abstract Creations. This scrap is the perfect setting for the tube. It really gives the lady a place to embrace and rule over nature. You can find both available for purchase at CDO.
Labels:Abstract,CDO,Nature | 0
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