Wednesday, April 30, 2014
6:32 PM | Edit Post
Today I have a CT tag featuring art by Robin McQuay and a scrapkit by Amy Marie. You can purchase the tube by Robin McQuay at Digital Chaos. The scrapkit is available at Amy Marie's store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Digital Chaos,Nature,RMQ,Spring | 0
10:38 AM | Edit Post
New CT tags featuring PTU scrap Under The Sea by Monti's Scraps. You can purchase this scrap at Taggers Delight. This kit is jam packed with elements which are all ocean themed. Its just wonderful for summer!
Labels:Animals,Mermaids,Ocean,Taggers Delight | 0
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
2:27 PM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring the fantastic PTU scrap Wonderland by Amy Marie. This scrap is available in her store. It is very fairytale and amazing in the feel of the kit.
Labels:Amy Marie,Fantasy | 0
Sunday, April 27, 2014
11:30 AM | Edit Post
A bit out of season but a CT tag featuring a PTU scrap Eternal by Honored Scraps. I love this scrapkit. It has a great feel and look to it - very calming & a stillness to it. You can purchase the
scrapkit at CDO.
scrapkit at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Fairy,Honored Scraps,Winter | 0
Saturday, April 26, 2014
10:33 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring a new PTU scrap releasing tomorrow called Moonlight by Irish Princess Designs.The scrap will be available at Scrap Candy. The scrap has a wonderful fantasy & dreamy feel to it.
Labels:Dreams,Fantasy,Irish Princess Designs,Moon | 0
Friday, April 25, 2014
9:19 PM | Edit Post
2 CT tags featuring the PTU scrap Garden Party by Abstract Creations. You can purchase this scrap at CDO. It is a wonderful spring scrap with a touch of fantasy to it as well.
Labels:Abstract,CDO,Nature,Spring | 0
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
10:40 PM | Edit Post
Two CT tags featuring PTU scrap My Mother by Rebel Dezigns. You can purchase this wonderful scrap at CDO. I love how its different and unique but wonderful in its colors and elements.It has a vintage, gypsyish feel to it.
Labels:CDO,Family,Love,Rebel Designz,Vintage | 0
2:49 PM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring the darkly beautiful PTU tube I Love The Darkness In You by Robin McQuay. I am also using PTU scrap Midnight Spell by Honored Scraps. You can purchase the Robin McQuay tube and scrap at Digital Chaos. The scrap is also available at Treasured Scraps.
12:57 PM | Edit Post
New CT tags featuring PTU scrap Tropical Treasure by Amy Marie. You can purchase this scrap at her store. It is a wonderful summery island feel scrap.
Labels:Amy Marie,Ocean,Summer | 0
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
9:17 PM | Edit Post
There is a new Aquatic bundle available in the Amy Marie store. This bundle features 3 of her 2013 kits which all have Aquatic in the name. Its a great bundle of kits for summertime tags. I have done a CT tag for each of the kits.
Labels:Amy Marie,Mermaids,Ocean,Summer | 0
4:52 PM | Edit Post
Today I have 2 CT tags featuring the beautiful PTU scrap Midnight Rose by Irish Princess Designs.
You can purchase this scrap at Scrap Candy. I love the colors and feel of the scrap.
You can purchase this scrap at Scrap Candy. I love the colors and feel of the scrap.
Labels:Irish Princess Designs | 0
Monday, April 21, 2014
12:56 PM | Edit Post
New CT tags featuring the wonderful PTU tube Luna by Alicia Mujica. You can purchase this tube at her store.I love anything moon and this one is no different. Definitely a wonderful tube :).
Labels:Alicia Mujica,Moon | 0
Sunday, April 20, 2014
1:32 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring new PTU scrap Splash Of Summer by Amy Marie. This scrap captures the warmth and fun of summer days. You can purchase this scrap at her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Ocean,Summer | 0
Saturday, April 19, 2014
4:08 PM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring a beautiful PTU scrap Love & Light by WDDesignz. You can purchase this scrap at Whisprd Designz.The scrap has a very calming and soothing feel to it which I love.
Labels:Angel,WDDesignz,Whisprd Desginz | 0
Friday, April 18, 2014
8:49 PM | Edit Post
2 new CT tags featuring the adorable PTU scrap Sweet Strawberry by Rissa's Designs. You can find this scrap at Scrap Candy for purchase.
Labels:Cute,Food,Rissa's Designs | 0
5:04 PM | Edit Post
New CT tags featuring the PTU scrap Summer Splash by Amy Marie. This is a great kit with a beach & summer feel to it. Defintely will put you in the summer mood. You can purchase the kit in her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Ocean,Summer | 0
10:21 AM | Edit Post
2 CT tags featuring a new PTU scrap Tea Garden by Hungry Hill. This scrap is releasing today at CDO in their Scrap Friday. Its a beautiful scrap & has a vintage feel to it. I am also using artwork by Amy Brown & Renee Biertempfel -both of which can also be found at the store.
Labels:CDO,Fairy,Food,Hungry Hill,Vintage | 0
Thursday, April 17, 2014
10:31 PM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring art by Anna Marine and the matching IB scrap Anna Marine 50-1 by Monti's Scraps. Of course, being a wicked little cupcake, I LOVE the tube & the scrapkit. The tube is already available at CDO & the scrapkit is being released tomorrow Friday 4/18.
Defintely must haves for any cupcake lovers.
Defintely must haves for any cupcake lovers.
Labels:CDO,Cupcakes,Gothic | 0
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