Monday, March 31, 2014
9:22 AM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring CDO Exclusive tube by Barbara Jensen. I am also using a PTU scrapkit Evening In Paris by Hungry Hill; also available at CDO. This is a very elegant scrap with a touch of romance as well with it. The tube & scrap pair so wonderfully together.
Labels:CDO,Hungry Hill,Sexy,Women | 0
Saturday, March 29, 2014
8:08 PM | Edit Post
An adorable new PTU scrap Rainbow Bubbles by Amy Marie. Just such a cute spring kit filled iwth all sorts of cute little characters. You can purchase this scrap in her store.
12:00 PM | Edit Post
New CT Tags featuring the wonderful PTU Easter Arrival scrap by WDDesignz. This is a very pretty Easter & Spring themed scrap. You can purchase the scrap at Whisprd Designz.
Labels:Easter,Spring,WDDesignz,Whisprd Desginz | 0
Friday, March 28, 2014
1:22 PM | Edit Post
Featuring a new IB Scrap Kurama Phoenix 11-2 by Honored Scraps. The tube & scrap are both available at CDO. The scrap is very elegant and pairs wonderfully with the tube.
Labels:CDO,Fantasy,Honored Scraps | 0
Thursday, March 27, 2014
9:19 PM | Edit Post
I started this tag for a CDO Tag Challenge with the theme
Mar 31. On this day, individuals will pay tribute to the humorous nature of women, by listing the top five ways in which women in our lives make us laugh.
Read more here
Anyways being so conciously aware about women issues and having a 12 year old daughter, this is
what I ended up doing..I won't use it for the challenge but I did want to share On the tag I used art by Gary Ham which is available at CDO. I also used scraps by Pimp'd Designz.
Mar 31. On this day, individuals will pay tribute to the humorous nature of women, by listing the top five ways in which women in our lives make us laugh.
Read more here
Anyways being so conciously aware about women issues and having a 12 year old daughter, this is
what I ended up doing..I won't use it for the challenge but I did want to share On the tag I used art by Gary Ham which is available at CDO. I also used scraps by Pimp'd Designz.
Labels:CDO,Food,Thoughts,Women | 0
5:39 PM | Edit Post
New CT tags featuring the PTU scrap Crista by Amy Marie. This is a very girly and sweet kit available in her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Girly,Valentine's Day | 0
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
3:31 PM | Edit Post
New CT tag featuring the PTU tube Snow White Queen by Rohin McQuay. You can purchase this tube at Digital Chaos. I love how there is a touch of goth with this verison of Snow White.
Labels:Digital Chaos,Fantasy,Gothic,RMQ | 0
2:17 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the PTU tube Everything Just Falls Apart by Robin McQuay. You can purchase this wonderful & striking tube at Digital Chaos.
Labels:Digital Chaos,Girly,RMQ | 0
1:41 PM | Edit Post
I love the color burgundy and I love of course I had to play with these. New CT Tag featuring art by Molly Harrison and a matching IB scrapkit Molly Harrison 93-1 by Honored Scraps. Both the tube & scrapkit can be purchased at CDO.
Labels:CDO,Honored Scraps,Pagan | 0
Monday, March 24, 2014
1:18 PM | Edit Post
CT tag featuring the wonderful PTU tube Easter Surprise by Alicia Mujica. A spunky bunny girl with a little bit of attitude & surprise -hence the name of her. You can purchase the tube in her store. She is just so cute!!
Labels:Alicia Mujica,Easter | 0
10:39 AM | Edit Post
New tag featuring art by Marika & a super cute matching PTU IB Scrap Marika June 2013 by Monti's Scraps. The tube I am using is a past bonus tube by Marika. You can find her tubes & the scrap available at CDO. I love the scrapkit. Perfect for any book lover, or school type tags.
Labels:CDO,Cute,Monti's Scraps,Words | 1 comments
7:32 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the PTU scrap Easter Stars by Amy Marie. This scrap is done to match the wonderful PTU tube Easter Star by Alicia Mujica. Both the tube & scrapkit are just wonderful!! I love both of them & they are just so perfect together. The scrapkit has a very nice mix of Spring & Easter feel elements in it.
Labels:Alicia Mujica,Amy Marie,Easter,Spring | 0
Sunday, March 23, 2014
8:26 PM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring the sweet & adorable PTU scrap Rita's Easter by Amy Marie.You can purchase this scrap in her store. It is full of bunnies, easter eggs and chicks. Just perfect for all your Easter tags.
Labels:Amy Marie,Easter | 0
10:57 AM | Edit Post
New tags featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Spring Kiera by Amy Marie. This scrap is done to match the PTU tube Kiera by Alicia Mujica. The scrap & tube are both very natural and spring feeling.Definitely great for spring and nature themed tags.
Labels:Alicia Mujica,Amy Marie,Fairy,Nature,Spring | 0
Friday, March 21, 2014
5:25 PM | Edit Post
New tag featuring art by Rachel Anderson and a dreamy wonderful IB scrap Rachel Anderson 13-1 by WDDesignz. Both the tube & scrap are available at CDO. As a moon lover, I love the combination of the two. They are dreamy and celestial and magical together.
Labels:CDO,Fairy,Moon,WDDesignz | 0
9:27 AM | Edit Post
New CT Tags featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Candles Easter by Amy Marie. Such a wonderful kit done in red, black, Grey & white. Unusual colors for Easter but they really work so well in this kit. I love the spin on it. You can purchase this kit in her store.
Labels:Amy Marie,Easter | 0
Thursday, March 20, 2014
9:43 AM | Edit Post
CT tags featuring a coming soon PTU scrap Always by Hungry Hill. This scrap will be released tomorrow the 21st in the CDO Scrap Friday. It is a beautiful spring themed scrapkit.It also celebrates the softer side of spring and a touch of gardening as well with it.
Labels:CDO,Hungry Hill,Spring | 0
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
12:02 PM | Edit Post
2 CT tags featuring the new CDO artist Jeff Haynie and a scrap tube bundle with Hungry Hill. I used two tubes availble in the pack by Jeff Haynie along with the scrap which is paired with the tube pack. I love the fantasy feel of the cats. You can purchase the bundle at CDO.These cats are full of attitude as well but then again aren't all cats??? lol.
Labels:Animals,Attitude,CDO,Hungry Hill,Moon | 0
10:28 AM | Edit Post
CT Tags featuring the wonderful PTU scrap Ladybug Garden by Amy Marie. An adorable ladybug & spring themed scrapkit now available in her store. This scrap is a must have for any ladybug lover.
Labels:Alicia Mujica,Amy Marie,Animals,CDO,Spring | 0
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
8:58 PM | Edit Post
This tutorial was written
by Sarah Fiack on
March 18,2014
Any resemblance to another
tutorial is purely coincidental.
For this tutorial, I’m using
a tube by Enamorte
You can purchase her tubes at
No outside supplies are needed.
Plugins: Xero Porcelain
Mura's Meister Copies
dsb flux - blast
Open a 600x250 new image.
Open up your tube of choice as well.
On your materials palette,
for the foreground color,
select a color from your tube.
Hide the background color for now.
Select your ellipse preset shape
tool. Make sure its select to
ellipse and width set to 10.00.
Draw out a shape on your new image.
Position in center of the tag.
Convert to raster.
Adjust - add noise - uniform 45.
Back on your materials palette,
select a dark color for the foreground
& a lighter color for background.
On the foreground, choose gradient -
choose the Foreground -background
Angle 90 Repeat 0.
Click inside your preset shape with
your magic wand tool. Selections
modify expand by 3.
Add new raster layer. Fill this layer with the
gradient you made.
Move this layer under the shape layer.
Paste a tube closeup as a new layer
between the two above layers.
Selections invert & press delete.
Select none.
Select your regular tube & copy it.
Paste as a new layer above your bottom
background layer.
Apply the plugin Mura's Meister Copies:
Wallpaper rotate.
Click the bottom layer again.
Selections - select all.
Image - copy to selection.
Duplicate the wallpaper layer.
Select the copy wallpaper layer.
Adjust -blur- motion blur
Angle 90.00 Strength 100
Effect - plugin dsb flux -blast
Direction left Percentage 40%
Effects - edge effects - enhance once.
On the same layer, select your selection tool.
Select a vertical
rectangle anywhere of choice
on the layer. Make sure it goes from
top to bottom. Press delete.
Select none.Repeat across the tag.
I did this a total of 7 times but it
may vary on your tag & rectangles.
Drop shadow the same layer.
2,2,50,5 black.
Go back to the original wallpaper layer.
Adjust blur - gauassian blur 3.00
on the layer.
Apply the plugin Xero Porcelain
default settings.
Merge layers visible.
Apply the plugin AAA Frames Foto
Frames. Default settings but change
width to 5.
Add artist copyright information & name
to the tag. Save as png.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
Labels:CDO,Forum Style,FTU,Misc,Tutorial | 0
1:14 PM | Edit Post
New Robin McQuay CT Tag featuring a new release tube Tomorrow Robins Will Sing. I also am using the PTU Scrap Robin's Spring by Dark Yarrow. Both are available at Digital Chaos.
I love how well they fit together. The tube is done in greys & blacks with a POP of color on the Robin bird - which makes it really stand out.
I love how well they fit together. The tube is done in greys & blacks with a POP of color on the Robin bird - which makes it really stand out.
Labels:Animals,Digital Chaos,Gothic,PTU,RMQ,Scrap | 0
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